5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Question regarding setting layer property


    I am adding a layer (with an extension) to an image and I am having an issue setting the layer to GM Only before adding stamps to it. I wish to add things to the layer so only the GM sees it.

    local tLayer = {name = "layer_name",}
    Image.addLayer(image_control, "paint", tLayer);
    I can successfully add and delete the layer, just setting that property is eluding me at the moment.

    Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
    There is not currently a mechanism to create layers as GM-only layers, nor to change that setting. It would have to be something that is added.


  3. #3

    Token question

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    There is not currently a mechanism to create layers as GM-only layers, nor to change that setting. It would have to be something that is added.

    Is there a way to place a token as invisible without being attached to the CT? That might work for the moment if there is.

    Thank you for all the help and info!

  4. #4
    You could create a tokeninstance using Token.addToken; and then use the tokeninstance variable to call tokeninstance.setVisible(false).

    I have a note to add in some variables to set layer attributes on creation with the next client update (though not currently planned for timing yet).


  5. #5
    In v4.5.8, I just added a few more table parameters for the addLayer API to be able to specify gmonly, locked, invisible states on layer creation.


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