1. #1

    Window Resize Icon Not Working

    I am having a heck of a time figuring out how to get the window resize icon to resize a window. I imported the NPC sample code into Ruleset wizard and I can't see what is different to make it work on that window. Any hints would be appreciated.

    Daniel A George

  2. #2
    The window resize icon does not actually do anything itself; it's just a visual cue of where the bottom-left drag corner is, based on the insideoffset tag of the window frame used.

    You need to define sizelimits.dynamic tag for the window, in order to allow resizing. Example:
    			<minimum width="680" height="390" />
    			<dynamic />
    The answers above are not specific to RSW, nor am I familiar with or use RSW.

    You are best off posting any RSW specific questions/issues in the following thread:


  3. #3
    Thanks Moon. Will do! I do a lot of work in XML directly. I found it easier for the combat tracker at least.
    Daniel A George

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