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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by wndrngdru View Post
    In Cypher, NPC modifications are written as "[action] as [difficulty level]". This is essentially what you do using LEVEL. The Number part (I just confirmed this with Saagael on Discord) is the difficulty level it is when it does whatever it's doing.

    So, for your example of a level 3 creature with defense as level 4, you would use:
    LEVEL: 4 def

    If the modification is for Might Defense only (Spd and Int defense remain as lvl 3), you would use:
    LEVEL: 4 def, might

    Then, when a PC has the creature targeted and uses a physical attack (creature's speed defense), it would be at level 3. If, however, they used a poison attack (creature's might defense) it would automatically adjust to level 4.
    Slight correction, a level 3 creature with defenses as level four would be
    LEVEL: 1 def

  2. #62
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Whelp, after talking more with Saagael on Discord, I got my misunderstanding sorted out and it's even better and easier than I thought.

    The ruleset actually parses the textboxes on the NPC record and automatically creates effects for the modifications it can.
    For instance, here I created a Dragon by just copy/pasting the text from the CSRD record:

    Here it is after dragging the record to the Combat Tracker:

    As you can see, it creates the appropriate effect.

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    I'm so bassic

  3. #63
    Okay. I've got FGU open right now, trying it again. I did like the WIKI said (and your recent example) where I typed in the modification (copied and pasted straight from the monster PDF) "Speed defense as level 4" on a level 3 creature. And it absolutely did not work, no matter how I tried rewording it or anything. But I will try it again, here in a minute.

    And I appreciate y'all replying. I really am not an idiot, despite what it may seem like

    I figured it out. It was because I was trying to roll Might from the front page. Apparently I had to use an axe or something from the actions tab.
    Last edited by Milke; April 16th, 2024 at 23:46.

  4. #64
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milke View Post
    I figured it out. It was because I was trying to roll Might from the front page. Apparently I had to use an axe or something from the actions tab.
    Ah, yeah. I didn't even think about that. Attack rolls are required to for the defense stat to be used. Otherwise the ruleset has no way of knowing what you're actually rolling against. Glad you figured it out.
    Last edited by wndrngdru; April 17th, 2024 at 01:23.
    I'm so bassic

  5. #65
    Again, thanks for your patience. Like I said, I'm coming from PF2. Trenloe has his own whole thing going on over there (and it's amazing!). So I probably make assumptions about how things work.
    There's no creature importer, is there? I'm liking, though, how simple it is to copy and paste from the PDFs into a creature's stat block. Takes about a minute to input an NPC. I love it.

  6. #66
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    No, nothing like that at this point. The NPC's abilities actions would likely still need to be handled manually since there's really no standardized language for abilities in Cypher. The rest of the blocks could pretty easily be parsed out though.
    I'm so bassic

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