1. #1

    Update extension PLEASE!

    Hello everyone, sorry for this new post, I would like to kindly know if anyone is reviewing the old 4e extensions and creating new ones, as currently with Fantasy Ground 4e is in disarray, (visuals suck, many extensions don't work, encounters can't be added and don't provide px on the table etc.) Can I please know if anyone is working on it and on what? I don't expect immediate results, but I would just like to know if they are trying to bring this ded expansion back to the top on fantasy ground.

  2. #2
    Please refrain from posting in multiple locations over and over about the same topic. If there are specific extensions that you would like to check the status on, please reach out to the community developer who created them in the thread where the extension was provided, or via private message. Closing this thread.


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