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  1. #141
    Hi MrDDT,

    maybe it wasn't completely clear what i meant...

    I know, that one can alter the STAT from Base to whatever for Damage and also for the Attack (see blue circle on screenshot).

    But with the power option one can make this with just a click one one and the same weapon (red lines).

    The question is whether there is an option to do the same with the Attack stat (green circle) without creating a new weapon...

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 222843.png

    Best Kristian

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Terhalion View Post
    Hi MrDDT,

    maybe it wasn't completely clear what i meant...

    I know, that one can alter the STAT from Base to whatever for Damage and also for the Attack (see blue circle on screenshot).

    But with the power option one can make this with just a click one one and the same weapon (red lines).

    The question is whether there is an option to do the same with the Attack stat (green circle) without creating a new weapon...

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 222843.png

    Best Kristian
    Not with the extension as it stands, as it only changes the damage processing. The attack functions are a totally different section of code, as the attack would now have to carry a 'string' to hold the 'effect' line type information, which will cause a lot of issues and possible conflicts with other extensions that would also have to carry that extra information around. ( With damage already having its 'string' all the damage function had to pass/process the string anyway, hence it can be carried around the system and extra processed for the extensions. )

    Could you do it by changing the 'meta' in the weapon header bar, and adjust the 'base' and just leave the weapon set as 'base' ? ( I know this is probably more a faf as other weapons might be in the list and still need str/dex as base etc.. )

    I'll have a think. But at this time, its not possible to influence the attack line in this way.

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  3. #143
    Thanks, that's all I can ask for...

    However, I'm not sure what you meant by adjusting the base in the meta of the weapon header bar...

    Screenshot 2024-02-25 130413.png

    I don't see anything there...

    Best Kristian

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by Terhalion View Post
    Thanks, that's all I can ask for...

    However, I'm not sure what you meant by adjusting the base in the meta of the weapon header bar...

    Screenshot 2024-02-25 130413.png

    I don't see anything there...

    Best Kristian
    Sorry, I was thinking about the spell power header bar 'ability' which selects the 'base' stat for those. I thought it also existed in the weapon side, but 'base' must be hard coded to str/dex depending on weapon/range and then best of str/dex for finess.
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  5. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by Terhalion View Post
    Thanks, that's all I can ask for...

    However, I'm not sure what you meant by adjusting the base in the meta of the weapon header bar...

    Screenshot 2024-02-25 130413.png

    I don't see anything there...

    Best Kristian
    With the hex warrior, as its only one weapon selected per long rest and I guess for most characters they have a preferred weapon to use... Most people would probably just change the weapon 'base' into 'chr' for both attack and damage instead of base.

    I do like that you used the 'power' function button, but that was sort of designed for weapons that have a 'power' mode... something that say has charges/uses per day or extra damage when turned on because the blade creates light/flames down the blade which can be on or off depending etc... and hence has some 'mode' change extra damage line..

    It might be possible to add to the weapon properties, like the 'reroll 2', on a weapon. So add like 'hexblade' into the properties next to the finess,light and then on an attack/damage change the code so when it decides on str/dex as 'base' it then checks 'chr' as well type thing for both attack and damage 'base' usage. That might be simpler to deal with.

    You still would have to 'adjust' the weapon to add/remove that to properties of the weapon as required. But its a simpler change, since you dont have to adjust both attack and damage.

    I'll have a think....

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  6. #146
    v2.9 updates for FGU 4.5.0

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  7. #147
    v2.91 update for 2024 ruleset change.

    Forge Profile
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