Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    US, Central (UTC -6 or -5)
    It looks like EASE is missing from your Effects Library for the Effects Builder.
    I'm so bassic

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by wndrngdru View Post
    Is MAXASSET working as expected?

    The Best Tool cypher provides an asset to one task using a tool, even if would exceed the maximum 2 Assets.

    I am unable to get the roll to show that it is using more than 2 assets.
    You're totally right, when I re-wrote the effects engine I mistyped the effect as MAXASSETS, plural, with an 's' at the end. I've got a fix and it'll go out tuesday.

  3. #13
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    It looks like debugging got left on in the Effect Builder. Anytime anything in the Effect Builder window is changed, stuff is output to chat. I pinged the dev of the builder extension and he suggested it may be something in your plugin.
    It seems to work okay, it just fills the chat so I hadn't brought it up until now. It's been happening for a couple months, at least.

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    I'm so bassic

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by wndrngdru View Post
    It looks like debugging got left on in the Effect Builder. Anytime anything in the Effect Builder window is changed, stuff is output to chat. I pinged the dev of the builder extension and he suggested it may be something in your plugin.
    It seems to work okay, it just fills the chat so I hadn't brought it up until now. It's been happening for a couple months, at least.
    Pushed a new version to the Forge without the debug lines. Sorry about that.

  5. #15
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Perfect! Thank you, as always.
    I'm so bassic

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