1. #1

    Thumbs up DnD5e Effects Automation (Consolidation Article & Resources)

    This article is only meant to consolidate the resources and the effects automation links into ONE place. Between the Atlassian, these FG Forums posts, and the various discord servers, I am hoping to make this a bit 'easier' to find this information for all that use the effects automation content for the DnD5e rule set. The main idea is to have most everything in one spot.
    The best source or place is the FG Atlassian website, however, it is something that might frustrate users having to combine through various places to get the information they want.

    **I do not wish or desire to be a pain in the butt, but rather a useful and contributing pain-in-the-butt at least. :-)**

    FGA Blog Article:

    The information below is divided into two sections, PCs, & NPCs.

    PC Facing Section for Effects Automation and Resources.

    Greetings, adventurers! In this post, we explore the nuances of creating Player Characters (PCs) in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e) using Fantasy Grounds. This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step, ensuring your character creation is both seamless and engaging.

    1. Class Features & Hit Dice

    Hit Dice Recognition: Fantasy Grounds recognizes "XdY" formats for hit dice (e.g., 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, etc.). This feature is vital for determining health progression.

    Unique Class Features: Each class in D&D 5e has distinctive features. For example, Sorcerers with "Draconic Resilience" gain additional hit points and AC modifications, while "Unarmored Defense" affects Barbarians and Monks differently. Fantasy Grounds automates these class-specific nuances.

    2. Skill Proficiencies

    Adding Skills: The platform accurately adds skill proficiencies using specific phrases. Skills must be capitalized as in FG. For instance, "Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Stealth, and Survival."

    3. Spellcasting / Pact Magic

    Identifying Spellcasting Abilities: Fantasy Grounds automatically determines the primary spellcasting ability for each class, affecting the number of spells a character can prepare.

    Influence on Prepared Spells: For classes with Pact Magic or who prepare spells, the platform calculates the number of prepared spells based on the ability modifier.

    4. Racial Traits

    Automated Racial Traits: Fantasy Grounds seamlessly applies racial traits like ability score increases, size, and speed. Unique racial abilities, such as "Darkvision" or "Fleet of Foot," are also recognized.

    Special Abilities: Traits like "Gnome Cunning" offer automatic advantages, which are applied by the system.

    5. Feats

    Recognition of Feat Formats: The platform recognizes formats for feats affecting stats, proficiencies, languages, etc. For example, "Tough" automatically adds new HP. Hard-coded into the rule set usually.

    6. Background Skills

    Background Skill Selection: Phrases for selecting background skills, like "Choose a skill from...," are accurately identified by Fantasy Grounds.

    Fantasy Grounds provides a detailed and intuitive platform for D&D 5e character creation, ensuring players can enjoy a rule-compliant and engaging experience. For more information and community support, visit the Fantasy Grounds Forum: 5e Class, Background, Race, Feat Interpreted Strings.

    Credits: Zacchaeus, Mattekure, Rob2e, and the FG Community

    NPC Facing Effects Automation Content:

    1. Automating Weapon Attacks

    Specificity in Attack Types: It's crucial to define each attack type individually. For instance, separate entries for "Melee Weapon Attack" and "Ranged Weapon Attack" are necessary for accurate automation.

    Handling Diverse Damage Types: NPCs that deliver multiple types of damage in one attack must be clearly defined. E.g., "Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage plus 4 (1d6) fire damage." This ensures correct application of resistances and vulnerabilities.

    2. Structuring Saving Throws and Conditions

    Saving Throws Formatting: Proper structure for saving throws is vital. Example: "The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute."

    Implementing Conditions: Fantasy Grounds recognizes standard conditions like poisoned or charmed when phrased correctly, automatically triggering these conditions during gameplay.

    3. Ongoing Damage Effects

    Continuous Damage Implementation: For ongoing damage like poison, the description should reflect the duration of the effect. For example, "Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage, plus the target is poisoned, taking 5 (1d10) poison damage at the start of each of its turns."

    4. Immunities, Resistances, and Vulnerabilities

    Detailed Descriptions in NPC Sheets: Accurately filling in immunity and resistance details in the NPC sheet is essential. Example: "Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks."

    5. Special Traits and Recharge Mechanisms
    Traits Like Magic Resistance: Traits such as "Magic Resistance" or "Regeneration" need explicit mention in the NPC's description for the system to recognize and apply them.

    Rechargeable Abilities: For abilities that recharge (e.g., a dragon's breath weapon), use the format "Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6)," which triggers an automatic d6 roll for recharge determination.

    6. Spellcasting NPCs

    Spellcasting Abilities and Formats: Spellcasting abilities must be clearly listed in the NPC's description. Example: "The warlock is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks)." This includes a list of spells prepared or available.

    Mastering NPC effects automation in Fantasy Grounds is a game-changer for DMs, enhancing the complexity and excitement of encounters. This guide is designed to simplify the process and ensure your NPCs are as engaging and challenging as your campaign demands.

    Reference Links for Additional Information:

    Fantasy Grounds Unity Wiki - NPC Effects Automation: FG Unity Wiki - NPC Effects
    Fantasy Grounds Forum Discussion on NPC Automation: FG Forum - NPC Automation

    Additional Resources: Consider purchasing comprehensive automation catalogs from creators like Rob2e or Grim Press on DM's Guild and FG Forge for more extensive automation tools.


    Last edited by Laerun; January 2nd, 2024 at 05:50. Reason: typos
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969


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