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Thread: Font Size

  1. #11
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    You can scale the whole UI by typing /scaleui 125 (or the number of your desire, with 100 being normal). There is also a Big Fonts extension you can use, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post227962

    If you want to alter the extension to your needs, more info here:
    - https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...lay-Font-Sizes
    - https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...-Tab-font-size
    - https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...-size-question

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  2. #12
    This is fantastic. I tried the scaleui first, but didn't care for how it reduced the desktop size as well, but the big fonts extension is exactly what I was looking for. Makes all the text easier to read without changing anything else. Thank you!

  3. #13
    I am looking for some way to increase just the font size and not the UI. I had to stop running my game on FGU because of eye surgeries and can not see the tiny fonts without increasing the UI which just screws up everything else.

    The devs need to add some way to do this as it can fall under ADA.

  4. #14
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBob1021 View Post
    I am looking for some way to increase just the font size and not the UI. I had to stop running my game on FGU because of eye surgeries and can not see the tiny fonts without increasing the UI which just screws up everything else.

    The devs need to add some way to do this as it can fall under ADA.
    See the links in post #11 above.
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  5. #15
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBob1021 View Post
    I am looking for some way to increase just the font size and not the UI. I had to stop running my game on FGU because of eye surgeries and can not see the tiny fonts without increasing the UI which just screws up everything else.

    The devs need to add some way to do this as it can fall under ADA.
    Note, you posted in a thread about FGC (classic) in the FGC support forum. The links I posted before probably won't work with FGU.

    But, there are numerous extensions in the Forge that will make minor changes to font size in FGU. Just search for them and you should find them. If you need help, please post int he FGU support forum.

    Adjustable font sizes are not something the architecture of FG supports well, because windows like the character sheet are defined in pixels, and if you increase the size of the text, they no longer fit in the available pixels.

    Other than the various bigger font extensions, there are 3rp party freeware as well as tools built into your operating system that will help you as well. Some of them work like magnifiers that blowup a portion of the screen. That way you do not have to increase the size of everything on your screen, just the part that you want to read or see the details of. I suggest you look into those as they will help with every program on your computer, not just FG.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

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