Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy

    Spell Attacks and Weapon Skill questions

    Hi Dadakin,
    here are some potential glitches or just my own lack of knowledge:

    • Spell Attacks hasn't fumble information filled -is it on purpose?
    • How does the Base Spell Attack skill track the Level Spell Bonus? in the Skill Bonus? is it manual for each level advancement?
    • In case a PC has not put any rank on each weapon category and clean the Skill Tab removing those Skills without ranks, is there any easy way to not forget the matching later on?
    • Heroes and Rogues Skills are added as Primary in the Skill Dev Window without dev costs and sometimes without stat. I think the issue is because of the module itself. Am I wrong?

  2. #2
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saramund View Post
    Hi Dadakin,
    here are some potential glitches or just my own lack of knowledge:

    • Spell Attacks hasn't fumble information filled -is it on purpose?
    Where are you not seeing Fumble info for Spell Attacks?

    I just looked at all of the Spell attack tables, and the Fumble is there.

    [*]How does the Base Spell Attack skill track the Level Spell Bonus? in the Skill Bonus? is it manual for each level advancement?
    Usually, I have my PCs create a skill called Base Spells. I use the Spells Skill as the base for that. The skill itself has no cost because it cannot be developed, it's just the Realm Stat for the bonus. If you change it from Manual to Base for the progression it will work correctly. You can also change the name of the Skill to whatever you prefer, here I've named it Base Spell Attack. The main reason for changing the progression is so that it adds the Level Bonus, but does not have the -25 for an undeveloped skill.

    [*]In case a PC has not put any rank on each weapon category and clean the Skill Tab removing those Skills without ranks, is there any easy way to not forget the matching later on?
    I've always told my players to put that information into the Notes tab of the Character Sheet. Like this:

    Ultimately it is up to the players to keep track of that information, so that is why I suggest putting it in the Notes tab.

    [*]Heroes and Rogues Skills are added as Primary in the Skill Dev Window without dev costs and sometimes without stat. I think the issue is because of the module itself. Am I wrong?
    Not sure about this one because I do not have Heroes & Rogues for FG.

  3. #3
    For fumbles, if nothing is specified on that item/attack then it uses the attack table fumble range like Sulimo mentioned.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    I am currently in the process of readying Ver. 2.0 of Heroes and Rogues. I will make sure that all skill costs are in their proper place before it gets released. Thank you for pointing this out.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy
    thank you all for your precious support!
    I'll follow your suggestions

    PS) I was referring to the item description (see attached) when talking about missing fumble information.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Saramund View Post
    thank you all for your precious support!
    I'll follow your suggestions

    PS) I was referring to the item description (see attached) when talking about missing fumble information.
    Yeah those are only needed if you want to change it from the defaults for the table. It allows for items that have something different than the defaults.

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