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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Ok thank you for the further info.

    I only manage MoreCore and not this mod.
    I can update the Roll in MoreCore.

    So the first two dice should individually be compare to the action/third dice?
    Can you confirm.
    That is, the action die is compared individually with each challenge die.

    To consider a success the action die must be greater than the result of the challenge die.

    Challenge Dice (2d10)

    Action die (1d6)

    The order would be as follows:

    - First the bonuses are added to the result of the action die

    - Then compare that result with each of the challenge dice

    if the action result is greater than a Challenge die -> Weak hit

    if the action result is greater than 2 Challenge dice -> Strong Hit

    Else -> Miss

    Example with bonuses:

  2. #32
    Marmus's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    I have been hearing about Ironsworn a lot lately. It is wonderful that this module and extension exist!! Thank you for creating and supporting the fixes. I will definitely be playing around with it. Did the above mentioned roll issues get resolved?
    I am adept at conversions, so if help is needed with Delve...

    Or is this a dead-ish thread?

  3. #33
    Hi, thank you so much for creating this.

    Is this working?
    I would really like to use this, but the extension wont show up for me.
    I am using FGU by the way.

    Would appreciate any updates on this.

  4. #34
    I'm struggling with this. I got it MoreCore Ruleset and Ironsworn Mod working in FGU, but I can't activate the abilities to roll the dice like a normal ruleset like 5e. I did not figure out the "pairs" / "ipairs" change yet. If I manually type "/iron 2d10+1d6+2" in the chat, it rolls and does not produce an error. My guess is because "/iron" has been loaded into the MoreCore ruleset. This can be verified by unloading the Ironsworn module and typing "/?" in the chat and finding "/iron" in the command list. So I *guess* the "ipairs" change is not required.

    I got the two character sheets to load correctly as well as tables and such. When I started writing this post, my issue was how to roll the dice without manually typing it (or using the hotbar). I discovered that you double-click the sword icon of the move to the left of the pushpin. For the imported character Artiga, MoreCore tab, Stats section, Edge ability, there is "Edge 2 <sword icon> <pushpin>". Same applies to Adventuring Moves > Face Danger; however, I am unable to figure out how to make the moves use the stat (Edge for example). I tried drag/drop but all I do is make copies of Edge in the wrong areas of the character sheet. (Right click the ability and choose Delete to remove).

    Maybe I'm suppose to manually look at the value of Edge and then type it into the box beside Face Danger. It gets me farther. Hopefully this helps others. I spent hours and I'm frazzled.The last thing I actually feel like doing is playing the game I was actually trying to play. I can still produce a console error if I click the Recharge icon (pick an ability and click Recharge) but since it's not really Ironsworn ruleset related, I probably won't accidentally click it often.

    I think it works well enough that I can try playing it, and making Delve/Starforged tables.

    Here is what I wrote in my Obsidian note so I don't waste hours again in the future:
    # Fantasy Grounds Unity steps
    1. Get MoreCore working
    - 1. Go to the Fantasy Grounds Forge website and locate MoreCore. "Buy" it.
    - 2. Close Fantasy Grounds
    - 3. Run FGUpdater twice
    -- 1. First is to make it aware of MoreCore, second is to download the files
    - 4. Make a new campaign called "Ironsworn" (or another name)
    - 5. Choose MoreCore as the ruleset
    2. Click Assets > Folder to access the file structure
    3. Place the Ironsworn module (ironsworn.mod) in folder "Macintosh HD > Users > Trevor > SmiteWorks > Fantasy Grounds > modules"
    4. Place the Ironsworn Theme Extension (ironsworn theme.ext) in folder "Macintosh HD > Users > Trevor > SmiteWorks > Fantasy Grounds > extensions"
    5. Launch Fantasy Grounds Unity
    6. Open the Ironsworn campaign made earlier
    7. Load the module
    - 1. Under the Library section, Click Modules
    - 2. Click Activation
    - 3. Load Ironsworn
    - 4. Close the module activation screen
    8. Ironsworn should appear in Modules
    - 1. Click to verify the items load
    9. Load the premade Ironsworn character
    - 1. Open Characters
    - 2. Click Import
    - 3. Choose "Ironsworn.xml"
    - 4. The character "Blank Ironsworn" will appear.
    - 5. Make a copy of the character by dragging and dropping the character in the character selection interface.
    10. Pin the following tables (I used slot 11 and 12)
    - 1. Oracles
    - 2. Pay the Price

    Fix random items
    In tables > Oracles:
    - Fix "likely" and "yes" text in description
    - Fix the apostrophe / special character in row 95-98.

  5. #35
    damned's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
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    Im sorry - this was written quite some time ago and there may well be bugs in it by now... Ive never used the extension before. What are you still having issues with?

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