Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #191
    Well, well .... now theres my answer

    Thanks all!

  2. #192
    The following is a simple step by step guide to show how to import the DD maps into FG with the LOS working.

    Export the map as a Universal VTT file.

    You'll get two files:
    Data: map-name.dd2vtt
    Image: map-name.dd2vtt.png

    In FantasyGrounds, Open Images

    Use the Blue Import Arrow (bottom right of the images window) and go to the image and data file.

    Navigate to the folder where you saved your maps. You don't need to bring them into the Fantasy Grounds Images folder.

    **this next is the part that got me**

    Select the Data file. NOT the image file.

    FG will copy both into the FG/Images folder that you have open in the system.

    That's it. Enjoy!

  3. #193

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    FYI FG doesn't actually copy both files it builds the image from the dd2vtt file.

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