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  1. #1

    Rolemaster Classic Redux Ruleset

    I have been using the amazing Rolemaster Classic ruleset created by Dakadin for over a year now, and whereas I was truly impressed by the work and achievement of Dakadin to adapt the Rolemaster ruleset into FG, I found some of mechanics (especially the Combat Tracker) needed a little improving. My main goal was to make combats as quick as possible, to eliminate the need to look up effects and rules so sessions flow at a nice pace. In addition, I made some Home Brew rule changes that I feel improve on the RMC rules.

    Please note: This is NOT an extension. When I started modding, I didn't know how to make an extension so I just started hacking the existing ruleset. This means that unfortunately if you want to use it then you will have to play in my campaign. This was not intentional, but just sort of how things worked out. If anyone is interested, I could possibly convert this to an extension.

    Here is a list of changes that I have made, first to the official rules that I feel should be in the interface and then my own home brew rules. (And MANY many thanks to Dakadin for helping me with understanding how the scripts work).

    1. Implemented Option 8 (smaller steps) in Section 3.2 Arms law regarding combat resolution. Combat tracker now shows "Act%" as increments of 25 up to 100 then resets again, rather than just deducting 100 as it used to. This also seems to align with RMU's 4 action point per round system. All actions are rounded to nearest "phase".
    2. The result of this is Initiative is only rolled every 4 "rounds" (really phases). The CT is looped over 4 times per round. This also required modifying the SpellLaw and ArmsLaw modules so that all critical durations and bleeding rounds are modified accordingly (for example, being stunned for 1 round is actually being stunned for 4 "rounds" (phases), bleeding 2 hits/round translates into bleeding 0.5 per phase etc)
    3. Iniative automatically calculates in things like if the actor has a shield, two-handed weapon, pole arm or using two weapons as per table 03-01 in Arms Law.
    4. Combat Tracker automatically skips when an actor is Sleeping or Paralyzed in addition to being Dead or Unconcious.
    5. Summoned Creatures are automatically removed from the CT when they expire.
    6. Resting now restores Power Points as a percentage, 15%/hour for non elves, 25%/hour for elves, 20%/hour for half-elves. Having an effect of "Meditating" doubles this. Resting also adjust duration on effects.
    7. Player can only attack with a weapon that is equipped in either the primary or secondary hand.
    8. Weapon ammo (for example, arrows, sling stones, bolts) must be equipped in the secondary hand and the quantity number is automatically adjusted after each attack. This means a player should have one arrow (for a bow) with a quantity of 20 and weight of 0.1 rather than than one item that has arrows (20).
    9. Equipping a helmet automatically subtracts 10 from Perception and Locate Secret Opening rolls. A visored helmet deducts another 10.
    10. Players can now choose to be on a mount. The mount is selected from a new drop down underneath spell adders on the combat tab. When a player is mounted, their base rate is automatically adjusted to that of the mount, and the mounts OB and MM modifiers are automatically applied. Any item in inventory of type "Transportation" can be selected as a mount. MM Exhaustion is not applied to the PC while mounted. Max pace is automatically applied to the Pace dropdown selection in the combat tracker based on MM penalties and if the player is exhausted.

    11. Mounts now have their own encumbrance tracking, based on if the location of the player's inventory is set to the transporation item.

    12. When targetting multiple actors, only the first roll is applied against all targetted actors.
    13. Players with an effect of "Stun" or "Calmed" are automatically blocked from attacking.
    14. When an effect of "MustParry" the parry of an Actor weilding a melee weapon is automatically set to the max of the equipped weapon. With an effect of "Stun" the parry is automatically set to half the OB. Both of these parry values are reset back to 0 when these effects expire.
    15. The "Spells" tab now has a drop down list to select the actual spell being cast. The player (or NPC) can choose the number of rounds of prep, ESF and prep/class bonuses are calculated automatically. PP are also automatically deducted after the roll is made and effects automatically applied after a failed RR. The effect name must appear in curl braces {} in the spell description.

    16. If a target fails their RR then the effect of the spell (for example, Stun or Sleeping) is automatically added with the appopriate duration calculated based on the Attacking actor's level or by how much the spell failed depending on the effect. If a target is of the same faction as the caster, then "friendly" spells can be cast on the actors (for example, bless, prayer, blur etc) and the effect is added automatically with the appropriate duration and no RR is required.

    17. Resistances have been extended to include elements like Heat, Cold, Electricity, Water and Light. Any attacks that have a element keyword (for example, "fire" or "heat" or "flame" for Heat, "cold" or "ice" for Cold etc) will use these to effect the RR and attacks. For effects, I have included the ability to add specific element RRs, like RR_Heat, RR_Cold etc.

    Some rule changes based on using extensions like "XPExtension" and "FG-ClockAdjuster-main.ext"

    1. The clock adjuster, when adding time will automatically adjust the durations of effects on the Combat Tracker.
    2. XP is automatically added to the XP tab except for manuevers and Kill Points.

    Some mods I made based on my own house rules

    1. Frenzy consumes triple the exhaustion points.
    2. Instead of rolling for breakage after each attack, armor and weapons have damage points much like concussion hits. These are tracked in the "Strength" field in the item. Typically for a weapon, the existing strength is multiplied by 10 and for armor the AT is multiple by 100. This is how many points a weapon or amor can sustain before breaking. For every PC attack, the concussion damage (not crit damage) is applied both to the attackers weapon or the defenders armor. This is recorded in the "Break Factor" field in the item. When this number reaches the Strength value, the item is broken and will not function until repaired. Certain modifiers like high quality (non magic bonuses) or magic will increase the Strength dramatically.
    3. Wound penalties do not effect non maneuver skill rolls, for example lore skills, perception rolls etc.
    4. Encumbrance penalties are applied to initiative and combat rolls.
    5. Players have Starvation and Dehydration points which are automatically deducted as time passes (using the FG-ClockAdjuster extension). When they hit their max Starvation or Dehydration points they start to Starve/die of thirst. Starving players begin to lose weight and eventually the Starvation Critical table from Rolemaster Companion V is used. When players eat food or drink water (using a button on the main tab) they points are restored.
    Last edited by alloowishus; August 27th, 2023 at 19:21.

  2. #2
    Note that the RMC ruleset is undergoing some fairly good-size restructuring as part of recent releases to make everything theme-friendly, and standardized across rulesets. I provide direct assistance to all developers who are writing rulesets that are sold through the FG store front; but only forum assistance for community projects as I have time. By making your project a full-fledged ruleset instead of an extension, you will not get the benefit of the store ruleset changes, and would need to maintain your ruleset to adapt to any CoreRPG changes and standardization by yourself. It would be much better to make your version into an extension now that you have a better grasp of the material.

    Also, if you are looking to redistribute in the future, you should ask permission of the relevant developers, since the RMC ruleset is not a free ruleset and the code inside is not free use. Another point for making your adjustments into an extension.


  3. #3
    I like the sound of what you have done with mounts and spells. Both sound handy!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold11 View Post
    I like the sound of what you have done with mounts and spells. Both sound handy!
    Thanks, it REALLY speeds up combats, especially stuff like summoning.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Note that the RMC ruleset is undergoing some fairly good-size restructuring as part of recent releases to make everything theme-friendly, and standardized across rulesets. I provide direct assistance to all developers who are writing rulesets that are sold through the FG store front; but only forum assistance for community projects as I have time. By making your project a full-fledged ruleset instead of an extension, you will not get the benefit of the store ruleset changes, and would need to maintain your ruleset to adapt to any CoreRPG changes and standardization by yourself. It would be much better to make your version into an extension now that you have a better grasp of the material.

    Also, if you are looking to redistribute in the future, you should ask permission of the relevant developers, since the RMC ruleset is not a free ruleset and the code inside is not free use. Another point for making your adjustments into an extension.

    Yep, I am aware, which is why I mentioned that you could only play it in my campaign. I did give an older version to one person before I found out that I couldn't.

  6. #6
    i have actually played in alow's campaign, using his revised system. i actually works very well. kind of mixes rmc and rmu together. theu unfortunate part is like he says, if you install it, you CAN NOT use fgu for any thing else. like i run a fallout game, and the core rules have edits in them that effect fallout. if you ever decside to go back to rmc, then you have to totally erase and reinstall fgu rmc. again, it is a great system!! peace.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Immelmann View Post
    i have actually played in alow's campaign, using his revised system. i actually works very well. kind of mixes rmc and rmu together. theu unfortunate part is like he says, if you install it, you CAN NOT use fgu for any thing else. like i run a fallout game, and the core rules have edits in them that effect fallout. if you ever decside to go back to rmc, then you have to totally erase and reinstall fgu rmc. again, it is a great system!! peace.
    Actually, all you have to do is just copy the original files over again but I am no longer giving out the ruleset as I am not allowed to. I will work on the extension if there is any interrest.

  8. #8
    Majyk's Avatar
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    I like the sound of some of your changes that automate things even more if you can extension some of those a la carte, you might have more takers of what works for others, too, and get some more follows.

    Kewl work, much success with it.

  9. #9
    [MODERATOR EDIT: Please keep things civil on the public forum.]
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; August 30th, 2023 at 17:04.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by alloowishus View Post
    Actually, all you have to do is just copy the original files over again but I am no longer giving out the ruleset as I am not allowed to. I will work on the extension if there is any interest.
    I really like the changes for the spell casting side. I'd be interested in testing it. Could I receive a extension or anything else you can provide?

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