Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #31
    damned's Avatar
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    Id create a new blank campaign
    Close FG
    Copy the data from the modules db.xml - making sure to select the correct start and end points - to your campaign db.xml
    make the edits and export out to a single new module.

  2. #32
    This is awesome.
    Last edited by Jedigun; April 7th, 2022 at 20:51.

  3. #33
    Awesome work, now we need to work on World's Without Number and the upcoming Cyberpunk Cities Without Number.
    FGU Ultimate|OGL 1.0a forever | Open RPG Creative (ORC) license!
    I play and GM everything and anything!
    Come join me and make some memories of another life.
    DMing Curse of Strahd with 6 wonderful people.
    Playing 5e in Midgard with Sir Greystone
    Playing Rolemaster and Fallout 2d20 with GM Max
    Playing Against the Darkmaster with Kergan
    Solo Roleplaying to become a better GM and experiment with systems that aren't as popular.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Welcome kreegah

    You will need to download the latest build of MoreCore and the extension.
    Start a new MoreCore campaign and select the Stars Without Number extension.
    I feel really dumb asking this, but where is the SWN extension? I see the links to the .mod files and the character sheet, but not the .ext.

  5. #35
    damned's Avatar
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    Download the charsheet.xml and import it.
    Make any required tweaks (check the instructions txt file).
    Then duplicate the character as many times as needed and customise to that character - eg Name, Stats, Gear etc

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Download the charsheet.xml and import it.
    Make any required tweaks (check the instructions txt file).
    Then duplicate the character as many times as needed and customise to that character - eg Name, Stats, Gear etc
    Hey Damned, I have a question. What is the difference between XCore and Morecore?
    FGU Ultimate|OGL 1.0a forever | Open RPG Creative (ORC) license!
    I play and GM everything and anything!
    Come join me and make some memories of another life.
    DMing Curse of Strahd with 6 wonderful people.
    Playing 5e in Midgard with Sir Greystone
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  7. #37
    damned's Avatar
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    Both are generic tables that have a bunch of extra automation over CoreRPG.
    MoreCore has more features and built in support for way over 100 different roll systems.
    Xcore is simplified and tackles the rolls slightly differently. It is less cluttered and easier to get started with.
    There is a new feature coming to XCore that will allow people to add support for additional roll types.

  8. #38
    Ah, thank you for clearing that up.
    FGU Ultimate|OGL 1.0a forever | Open RPG Creative (ORC) license!
    I play and GM everything and anything!
    Come join me and make some memories of another life.
    DMing Curse of Strahd with 6 wonderful people.
    Playing 5e in Midgard with Sir Greystone
    Playing Rolemaster and Fallout 2d20 with GM Max
    Playing Against the Darkmaster with Kergan
    Solo Roleplaying to become a better GM and experiment with systems that aren't as popular.

  9. #39
    Any chance we could get this put on the forge so it's easy for folks to install and stay up to date on?

  10. #40
    I'm wondering if I'm missing something, where do I put the Character Sheet.xml?

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