Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    5e Skill floor extension

    Here's a small extension that allows skills checks to have a minimum outcome. This functionality was requested a long time ago in my reliable talent extension but I thought a stand-alone version would be better.

    It's available on the forge here .

    As ever, if you try it let me know if there are any issues.

    Cheers, Steve.

  2. #2
    Just pushed a new build to The Forge.
    Skill values can now have a floor for the die roll AND/OR a floor the the total roll value by using :


    Cheers, Steve.

  3. #3
    The SKILLMINVALUE pumps a bunch of gibberish into the chat for me, in addition to changing the roll...Capture.JPG

  4. #4
    Seems I left a debug line in the code for that one :P
    I've pushed a new build to The Forge to fix it, just waiting on it being approved.

    Cheers, Steve.

    New build now live, let me know if you have any issues.
    Last edited by Stv; September 4th, 2023 at 19:38.

  5. #5
    I also noticed, there is a conflict with StealthTracker by JustinFreitas.

    That extension adds an effect whenever you make a Stealth check in combat, that keeps track of what was rolled. It then expunges the effect when you make an attack roll.
    Its that last part that brings it into conflict with this extension, because they are written as 'Stealth: 10' and (for example) 'SKILLFLOOR: Stealth: 10'.

    I noticed this because I had this one to manage Reliable Talent for one of the rogues on my tables, and it kept getting removed whenever the rogue attacked, which puzzled me until I realized what was going on.
    Last edited by Fingersome; September 6th, 2023 at 03:40.

  6. #6
    I'll look into it when I get a chance, although it may be a good idea to notify JustinFreitas also, as the fix may need to be done on their end.
    But for the record, my 'reliable talent' extenson may be of use to you

    Cheers, Steve.
    Last edited by Stv; September 5th, 2023 at 20:14.

  7. #7
    I've had a quick look into this, and I'm not seeing the behaviour you're reporting :S
    Also, 'SKILLROLLFLOOR' is not used, 'SKILLFLOOR' is used instead... that's my fault for not properly updating the forge instruction page, which I'll fix shortly.

    Cheers, Steve.

  8. #8
    I’ll look at StealthTracker and make sure my match pattern for detecting that Stealth effect is as exact/correct as possible. Thanks for the heads up.

  9. #9
    Hi, if it's not too complicated, would it be possible to also add a "Skill maximum value" and a "Skill fixed value" to the features of this extension?


  10. #10
    Tbh, I was going to retire this extension as 'reliable rolls' have been implemented in the core FG program. Let me think on it a bit.

    Cheers, Steve.

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