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  1. #111
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anstett View Post
    I am not for consolidating the school listings. One example: There are items and other spells that work against Charm spells for example. Those do not work against Enchantment spells. When coding in effects that only work against Charm is easy.
    Uninformed and just curious...

    Are all Charms also enchantments? Are all Summonings also Conjuration? are all Phantasms also Illusions?

    If so, could it be coded that if you are making an effect that works for enchantments, then that would automatically also include charms? same for the other 2.

    Sort of like all Square ARE rectangles but not all rectangles are squares; so anything that works on rectangles also works on all squares BUT anything that works on squares does not work on rectangles that are not also squares.
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  2. #112
    (Sort of like all Square ARE rectangles but not all rectangles are squares; so anything that works on rectangles also works on all squares BUT anything that works on squares does not work on rectangles that are not also squares.)

    This is how I see it too.

    For coding an effect that way? I think maybe? But to just look for "charm" it would work on those things that are immune to charm but not to enchantments. Easier to code. It does get into fuzzy meta-magic territory, but it is one of the things that I always remind my players.

    It is not science, it is magic. It does not need to make sense or logic, it just has to be able to be replicated.
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  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by SylvanSnake View Post
    Hello. I noticed some errata you might have missed. There were some updates to a few PHB/ToM Priest spells in the Faiths and Avatars book page 183, adjusting their Sphere access. If someone could update these spells in the relevant modules, it would be useful. The extra Tome of Magic schools and spheres weren't included in any of the PHB spells as far as I know, and I'd like to see those tags added as well. The PHB spells don't seem to allow editing. Is there a way I can edit them myself without copying another version of the spell?
    You'll need to make a copy of the spell in your campaign to edit them. Smiteworks required that PHB/DMG and MM be set to read only.
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  4. #114
    Yes, I figured out how to make my own copies of the spells to edit. It gets a bit messy having multiple versions of each spell appearing in searches, so I basically copied all the PHB character content (classes, races, spells, etc) and saved it in a custom module, so players can just load the updated versions. Also creating spell lists for specialist wizards that appeared in other 2E products, such as song mages and shadow mages. It's a bit tedious, but I'm doing it.

  5. #115
    Leather Armor and Padded Armor both have an identical description:
    "Leather: This armor is made of leather hardened in boiling oil and then shaped into breastplate and shoulder protectors. The remainder of the suit is fashioned from more flexible, somewhat softer materials."

    Thank you!

  6. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by GM Ithril View Post
    Leather Armor and Padded Armor both have an identical description:
    "Leather: This armor is made of leather hardened in boiling oil and then shaped into breastplate and shoulder protectors. The remainder of the suit is fashioned from more flexible, somewhat softer materials."

    Thank you!
    Thanks for the heads up, I'll get it corrected.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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