1. #1

    How do I find GMs running Cyberpunk Red using FG?

    I have a MacBook, and I much prefer using FG to installing a particular browser just to play.

    But I can’t find anyone offering Cyberpunk Red on FG on StartPlaying - and I GMs on Roll20 are mostly using that mechanism.

    Is there some other online resource that help me find GMs running Cyberpunk Red on FG?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by mikepwagner View Post
    I have a MacBook, and I much prefer using FG to installing a particular browser just to play.

    But I can’t find anyone offering Cyberpunk Red on FG on StartPlaying - and I GMs on Roll20 are mostly using that mechanism.

    Is there some other online resource that help me find GMs running Cyberpunk Red on FG?
    Hi! I definitely understand preferring to use FG instead of other VTTs as a player. My suggestion is to leverage either the LFG forums here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...king-for-Group) or Discord.

    You could try the official Fantasy Grounds Discord, which has an LFG channel, as well: https://discord.gg/fantasygrounds

    Otherwise, you might be able to find other Discords for Cyberpunk GMs where they are using Fantasy Grounds. I know the Cybernation crew uses FG for their streams, and you might be able to find a game there! Here’s their Discord: https://discord.gg/GEdPXwFQ

    If you don’t mind paying for games, you can contact @Rough Patch here on the forums, and see if he has any open slots in his games.

    Finally, you could also try the official RTG Discord, though most of them there seem to use other VTTs currently: https://discord.gg/4Dm5Wec8

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