Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1
    YggBjorn's Avatar
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    Sandy, UT (UTC -6 or -7)

    FGU 4.4, Syrinscape, and Savage Worlds

    With the release of FGU v4.4 we have sound support for Syrinscape. I used the DoE Sound Link Library back with FGClassic running 5e and I loved the immersion that sounds added to the game. I have since fell in love with SWADE and would like to have a similar experience with it. Before we dive into the details of how to setup the links and pipe audio through the internet to the players, I would like to discuss when we should trigger sounds. It's easy enough to create a trigger for a sword swing, an arrow released, or a pistol fired, but when should the next trigger happen and for what? A Wound isn't a Wound until the GM applies it. 5e was easy with clear patterns to trigger straightforward events. I am thinking about creating triggers for Raises, Failures, and Critical Failures, but what else should be a trigger?

  2. #2
    I’ve used the sad trombone for crit fails in the past. Other than that it was just weapons attack rolls. I didn’t want to over do it so I didn’t have triggers for raises, normal failures, etc. Although I had manual triggers for other things that were more play on demand than triggered by automation.
    Last edited by mac40k; June 20th, 2023 at 15:45.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    I like a sound indicating Wounds are incoming. I also like sounds indicating that the Wound was or wasn't soaked. Something like "umph!" (pre soak) then "ooow!" on Wound or "I'm OK!" if all soaked.
    Same with Shaken. For example, "huh?" on being Shaken, and "I'm here!" on recovering.
    I probably would do sounds that convey those emotions rather than voice overs, unless the ability to determine character traits was added.
    I'm enjoying experimenting with sounds. I'm still learning how much I can do with them.

  4. #4
    I set up some triggers for my game last night and I have to say that it seems like the program lacks some of the maturity of some of the old extensions that were available on the Forge (and didn't work well with SWADE). Problems like - sound trigger for the Smite power. Player cast it on four party members at once and it triggered four times. It seems they don't have any "don't fire within x seconds of prior trigger" code.

    We found it humorous to begin with but after three hours nobody was paying attention to them. I think I'm going to scale it back to just Raise! Shaken, Wound, Wounds and Critical Failure. Having something for every weapon and power was overkill.

  5. #5
    That is something that would need to be addressed on the ruleset level; as the triggers for the sound link system are just based on the chat output. (i.e. If you tie the trigger to "[CAST]" and "Smite" and the ruleset outputs 4 times, then that is something the ruleset would need to provide for a change to output that could be captured by chat matching.).

    This is not an issue in the 5E ruleset, because the [CAST] action is a separate message from the application of the attack/damage/effects of a spell.


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