Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Beta 2023-06: Reference Manual issues/observations

    Some observations and issues I ran into with the reference manual in the beta with the 5E ruleset.
    • When opening some adventure modules, e.g. 5E Curse of Strahd, selecting any page in the reference manual will show the "Revert Record Changes" button, even if no changes have been made. There are changes written to moduledb for every page that is opened that just has entries like this for every page opened:
      						<order type="number">0</order>
      						<order type="number">0</order>
      						<order type="number">0</order>
      Reverting the page removes the above from moduledb, and the "Revert Record Changes" button disappears until leaving and re-opening the page. Not sure if this is expected. This doesn't seem to happen with newer adventure modules, such as Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel.
    • If you add a new page to an existing module and then revert it, the page content is cleared but the title remains in the navigation pane. After closing the reference manual and re-opening it the name changes to < New Page >.
    • The scrollbar in the reference manual navigation pane doesn't appear to be working.
    • No scrollbar is visible in reference manual content pane

    Some non-reference manual observations:
    • The "Magnifiying Glass" icon on character sheets with the default 5E theme is now gray instead of gold/brown, it almost looks like the graphic is missing.
    • On the Library > Modules page, mousing over a loaded module no longer "highlights" it - previously it had a black border around it and underlined the text.

  2. #2
    All reference manual pages receive an order to allow it be moved around. So in a way yes, it is in need of reverting even though the changes are only appearing behind the scenes.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. It did seem odd that it only happened with some modules and not others, for example in Curse of Strahd but not in Radiant Citadel. Maybe something to do with how the reference manual was created?

  4. #4
    It's the age of the modules. (i.e. Curse of Strahd was created using a different older method than Radiant Citadel, which didn't need/have the order field.)

    I have your report in my notes to look at as I work through items from the release.


  5. #5
    Everything but the magnifying glass behavior is fixed in the latest Test build. I have to ask @pindercarl about that one.


  6. #6
    Thanks! I updated to the latest test and all the reference manual issues I noticed previously are fixed.

    One new thing I noticed - the paging buttons in the Reference Manual don't appear to be working. However, if a Reference Manual page is "popped out" (opened via link) then the paging buttons work in that window. They just seem to not work in the main Reference Manual view. Tested with 5E Curse of Strahd module.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the additional item. It will be addressed in the next update.


  8. #8
    Found that if you edit a Reference Manual page, change the Frame of a section, and then revert the page, the original frame does not update until navigating away and returning. Other elements of the page will revert, it's just the frame.

    To recreate:
    1. Load 5E Curse of Strahd
    2. Reference Manual > Curse of Strahd
    3. Unlock page, remove frame around heading
    4. Delete section with the image
    5. Revert Record Changes to this page
    6. The image returns, but the frame around the heading does not
    7. Navigate away and return, the frame is back

  9. #9
    Seeing another 5E module that is showing Revert Record Changes when no changes have been made.

    1. Open 5E Journeys through the Radiant Citadel reference manual
    2. Open page Contents and Credits > Credits
    3. Revert Record Changes icon appears

    moduledb shows the following change:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <root version="4.4" dataversion="20230601">
    					<id-00004 />
    					<id-00006 />
    					<id-00009 />
    These blocks seem to correspond with the three images on this reference manual page which do not have captions. This does not happen on the Live channel (no changes are written to moduledb).

  10. #10
    Fixes for both of these items has been pushed to the Test channel.


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