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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by spoonhead View Post
    My player wants to roll on the Wild magic table for all spells and cantrips. But I can't get this to work:

    Once per turn, the DM can have you roll a d20 immediately after you cast a sorcerer cantrip or higher. If you roll a 1, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect.

    It was working OK with the default wording, so it's not a conflict.

    EDIT: Sorted

    Once per turn, the DM can have you roll a d20 immediately after you cast a sorcerer cantrip | spell of 1st level or higher. If you roll a 1, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect.
    Yeah it seems "cantrip or higher" doesn't get correctly parsed. "cantrip or spell of 1st level or higher" is the intended way of wording something like this, and it should work correctly.

    Alternatively, "spell of 0th level or higher" or "spell of 9th level or lower" would both also work to roll for all spells and cantrips, since cantrips are treated as 0th level in FG.
    Last edited by GEONE; September 16th, 2022 at 14:58.

  2. #22
    Good evening, after last week update, is look like i have a error when we use the extension, everything was working fine in our last session 2 weeks ago.

    see picture:
    Sans titre.png

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by plap3014 View Post
    Good evening, after last week update, is look like i have a error when we use the extension, everything was working fine in our last session 2 weeks ago.

    see picture:
    Sans titre.png
    I can't see why ActorManager would ever be nil. Just to be sure, you're playing on the 5E ruleset right?

    If so, this must be some sort of extension conflict, since I've just tested on the latest version in a clean campaign and all seems to be working correctly.

  4. #24
    it is working fine. we just restart and working!

  5. #25
    Hi there,

    I have tried this in my existing campaign and received the following error -- no other extensions were being run.

    After reading the forum thread, I created a new campaign, imported a character from that campaign and tried again and received the following result.

    error 1a.jpg

    error 1b.jpg

    error 1c.jpg

    I'm not concerned with if I paid for this or not; I was just **really** excited about using this extension in conjunction with an upcoming plot I'm running.

    Also, would it possible (once it's generally working again) for it to be configured that when a certain spell school is cast the Wild Magic Surge table goes off? The plot my players are going through has or will affect each school of magic at some point. Being able to narrow this to say, divination, would be so helpful.

    Thanks for developing this extension!


  6. #26
    I've updated the extension for 5E ruleset update 2023-02. It should now work as intended on that version.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by gregm View Post
    would it possible (once it's generally working again) for it to be configured that when a certain spell school is cast the Wild Magic Surge table goes off? The plot my players are going through has or will affect each school of magic at some point. Being able to narrow this to say, divination, would be so helpful.
    Hi, Greg! I've added the ability to specify up to 8 different schools of magic that will trigger a Wild Magic Surge check, the new usage statement syntax is:

    Once per turn, the DM can have you roll [a | an] <ROLL> immediately after you cast <a | an> [sorcerer | SCHOOL] <cantrip | spell of #[st|nd|rd|th] level> [or higher | or lower]. If you roll a # [or higher | or lower], roll on the <TABLE NAME> table to create a magical effect.
    Where "SCHOOL" can be up to 8 comma-separated schools of magic (i.e. "transmutation, illusion, or necromancy" or "enchantment or abjuration" or just "evocation").

    Here's an example of it:

    Once per turn, the DM can have you roll a d20 immediately after you cast a divination spell of 1st level or higher. If you roll a 1, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect.

    It is of course entirely optional, and you don't have to specify any school of magic if you don't want that to affect the Wild Magic Surge in any way.
    Last edited by GEONE; March 31st, 2023 at 19:59.

  8. #28
    Hi Zealot!

    This worked BEAUTIFULLY and is EXACTLY what I wanted/needed for my campaign's continuing arc.

    However, the Druid's sheet can no longer prepare spells. See the screenshot below.

    LEFT (Djaelinn) -- Druid
    MIDDLE (Velca) -- Wizard
    RIGHT (Saelneth) -- Cleric

    druid prep.jpg

    Not included in the screen shot are a test with a Warlock/Paladin and an Artificer. Both of those were able to prepare spells as well.

    Also, a quick side note -- would it be possible to have custom naming for the ability that this occurs under? I'm assuming not. It's totally fine. I just wanted to ask, just in case!
    If not custom is it possible for other text to exist in like, a parenthesis ? If not, again, I totally get it.

    This extension is wonderful and I'm so glad you made it!!!!

  9. #29
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Make sure your Druid has a number in one of the spell power groups.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  10. #30
    That did it, thank you Zacchaeus!!

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