5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #21
    v0.3 Generalization and Fixes

    • Link to extension forge page in announcement text

    • Generalized skip options (such that defense, offense, statistics and ecology are not mandatory)
    • Generalized special qualities including situational save bonus

    • Fixed attack pattern for "or"
    • Detection of all metamagic spells, these should now import correctly as base spell. The corresponding metamagic option must be entered/changed manually after import.
    • Detection of spells with domain suffix, these should now import correctly.

    Feats can be interacted with my tooltips extension.

    Edit: Domain spell-like abilities will stay for now as they are because there isn't a consistent way to differentiate between them and other spell-like abilities. For most cases these are handled as spells either way, so you'd still have to create them manually.
    Last edited by Zarestia; December 24th, 2022 at 21:13.

  2. #22
    v0.4 Feb-2023 ruleset update

    • Migrated getDatabaseNode() to DB functions

    I'll see to other additions after the 2023-Feb ruleset update aftermath

  3. #23
    Seeing the following using 4.5.8 (was ok in 4.5.7):

    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (anchor_title_utilitybox) in class (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (anchor_bottom_utilitybox_buttons) in class (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (bottomanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (button_import) anchoring to an undefined control (bottomanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (button_import) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] s'close_utilitybox - DEPRECATED - 2023-12-12 - Use windowmenubar_(frame) template'
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (bottomanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (button_import) anchoring to an undefined control (bottomanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (button_import) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (bottomanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (button_import) anchoring to an undefined control (bottomanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)
    [6/9/2024 3:46:13 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (button_import) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (import_npc)

    Workaround is that CreatureLab has been fixed: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...tureGen)/page3

  4. #24
    I know this is probably an extension that people don't need very often once they have inputted their information and are running their game. I would not have known if it wasn't for the fact I just started building out the next phase of my campaign getting it ready while I know I have a few months before I need it ready

    But yes, this extension seems to be having a problem with the new remake

    And like you suggested XenusUk I tried using C-lab again (I used it first before finding this importer) but there is no C-lab button on the bestiary field to open the interface and add the stat block when I try to use it

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, But both of these extensions are completely broken for me

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Orimn View Post
    I know this is probably an extension that people don't need very often once they have inputted their information and are running their game. I would not have known if it wasn't for the fact I just started building out the next phase of my campaign getting it ready while I know I have a few months before I need it ready

    But yes, this extension seems to be having a problem with the new remake

    And like you suggested XenusUk I tried using C-lab again (I used it first before finding this importer) but there is no C-lab button on the bestiary field to open the interface and add the stat block when I try to use it

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, But both of these extensions are completely broken for me
    I see it on the NPCs window.

  6. #26
    So, I turned off all my extensions and loaded up the campaign and there it was

    Seems one of the extensions I am using is causing the issue

    At least I can now get those monsters imported, Thanks !

  7. #27
    Yes i had the same bug but i dont know what ext is causing it. Thx for the help i will desactivate some to see

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by TurinDM View Post
    Yes i had the same bug but i dont know what ext is causing it. Thx for the help i will desactivate some to see
    I should have came back and added which one was causing the issue, It was this extension "Import Collection" that stops C-Lab from running correctly

  9. #29
    Yes, it was a conflict between both (Import colection and Creature gen). But now i see that import colection its not working and if you are using creature gen this one doesnt work properly due to the bug of the import colection. In conclusion, import colection its not working and Creture gen yes but you have to turn off Import colection.

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