Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    LFP - 4, SWADE One Shot, The Last Parsec (beginners welcome)

    FG License: I have the Ultimate Edition of FGU
    Game System: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

    Time Zone: PST (west coast, USA)
    Day of week and time: Saturdays or Sundays between 10am to 1pm start time and lasting 2 to 3 hours per session.
    If new game, planned start date: as soon as we get 3-4 players, 11/12/2022, 11/13/2022 at the earliest
    Planned Duration & Frequency: One shots - meant to be completed in two or three sessions
    Term: I plan on DM’ing at least twice a month, using SWADE Ruleset and different settings

    Text or Voice: Guilded
    Voice software used: Guilded
    Web Cam: preferred not required, will use, (super simple, web based, no download required.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? I might record for my personal reference to improve my DM’ing.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: should be around 50/50
    Number of Players in game & needed: at least 3 would prefer 4 probably be a max of 5.
    Character starting level & equipment: New Characters starting out with beginning equipment.
    Character restrictions: must fit setting being played.

    Details of your scenario: Learning sessions, been a long time since i DM’ed. been a long time since i used FGU. New to Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. beginners welcome, time will be taken looking up rules and exploring FGU. Patience required.

    It is my intention to do One Shots in the beginning, explore different game settings using SWADE rules. I would like to eventually find a steady group of people who want to play regularly. Will be open to doing longer campaigns when a steady group has been found, One Shots until then.

    Current list of Settings i have and that i would like to explore:
    The Last Parsec (sci fi)
    The Weird West (horror, western)
    Rifts (is rifts LOL, i never played it, high power mix of fantasy and sci fi)
    Lankhmar (city of thieves)
    The After (post apocalyptic)
    50 Fathoms ( Pirates)
    East Texas University (college students who have to deal with ghosts)

    I have 2 one shots setup and ready to play.

    The Last parsec and The Wierd West.

    I will be starting with The Last Parsec. here is a description of the scenario:

    The party is a member of JumpCorp ( a mega-corporation). The cargo ship Azimuth has recently crashed on Gamma
    Librae V. JumpCorp wants the team to rescue the crew and recover all possible cargo.

    This should last 2 sessions.
    Sessions 0, make characters and a little background on the setting and getting familiar with SWADE.
    Session 1, complete the mission.

    Im not expecting anyone to commit to more than the One Shot, Although you are welcome too. I am hoping to play regularly, at least every other week.

    Game will be scheduled when enough people have joined and we have all decided on a good date and time within the time frame noted above.

    so if you ever wanted to experiance SWADE and what it offers, here is your chance. Come and join me in this learning experience and hopefully enjoy some great adventures.

    Link to Gamecalendar page: No Set date at this time.

  2. #2
    Hello! New player to SW (but not to RPGs). Looking to dive in and learn more about the game by playing some one-shots. If you have a party, im happy to join for 1-2 sessions. If you dont have a party, how about a one-on-one adventure so I can learn the rules a bit? EDIT - I might have a few friends interested in learning and playing a one-shot, maybe we cna build out a party for this?
    Last edited by shottie; December 10th, 2022 at 17:34.

  3. #3
    Are you still looking for players?

  4. #4
    I know this post is kind of old at this date, but if you are looking for a player for a SWADE game, let me know. Also willing to run a few. I currently have Rifts and Deadlands, but have passing familiarity with several of the mini-settings. I am on EST, mostly available on weekends. Joe

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by J0e S. View Post
    I know this post is kind of old at this date, but if you are looking for a player for a SWADE game, let me know. Also willing to run a few. I currently have Rifts and Deadlands, but have passing familiarity with several of the mini-settings. I am on EST, mostly available on weekends. Joe

    This sounds awesome, I would be interested in RIfts along with another friend of mine! Also on the east coast. Let me know!

  6. #6
    Sounds good to me! What is your general availability?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by J0e S. View Post
    Sounds good to me! What is your general availability?
    Lets chat! Hit me up on Discord: Shottie#3627

  8. #8
    This sounds like a blast! I've played the SWADE Deadlands campaign for just a half dozen sessions, but I'm hooked on the SWADE rules.

    Please let me know if you have any upcoming openings. I am semi-retired, so my schedule is quite open.

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