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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by OSdirk View Post
    I'm working on this tutorial, and can't get it to display the "TutorialTitle.png" file, despite having followed the XML to the letter. Has something changed about the required commands?
    I'm attempting this also amd seem to be stuck in the same place. Did you have any luck figuring it out?

  2. #62

  3. #63
    That tutorial is pretty old at this point, and I haven't updated it. I know a lot has changed, so it's likely that something that DID work doesn't work anymore. If I get a chance, I'll take a look at updating it.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by jreddin1 View Post
    That tutorial is pretty old at this point, and I haven't updated it. I know a lot has changed, so it's likely that something that DID work doesn't work anymore. If I get a chance, I'll take a look at updating it.
    I'll try to document and I'll send what i figure out to you so we can get things updated. I figured out some stuff doing my best to process and retain the lesson learned so I can share.

    @damned thanks for the video's very useful.

  5. #65
    I figure out the issue (at least the title issue).

    It used to be that you had to provide a graphics file (png) for the title. At some point, they modernized it so that you could provide a string instead and the title would be automagically formatted to put the string on the graphic as needed. Here is the code I used to put a title on. It's pretty straight forward. It adds a string resource for the title, and then adds a windowtitlebar with that resource.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
        <icon file="graphics/TutorialTitle5E.png" name="TutorialTitle" />
        <string name="tutorial_title">Tutorial</string>            
        <windowclass name="TutorialWindow">
                <windowtitlebar name="title">
                <close_campaignlist />
    That should do it. Let me know if you find anything else, and I'll see if I can fix that too!

  6. #66
    So, I'm in the Tutorial at the Minimum Viable Product Step 4 where it says to switch to using <frame>campaignlistwithtabs</frame>

    and it doesn't do anything at all. (The previous steps have worked.)

    Has FGU now dropped the campaignlistwithtabs? If so, what can I use instead (in the tutorial)?

  7. #67
    damned's Avatar
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    This tutorial was written a long time ago. I havent tried it.
    What you should do is unpack CoreRPG and then use an editor with Find In Files functionality and search for campaignlistwithtabs and see what it finds, follow it back until you find your answer.

  8. #68
    Where do I find CoreRPG and how do I “unpack” it?

  9. #69
    Any non-vaulted rulesets and extensions are located in the FG data folder under rulesets and extensions subfolder. You can get to the FG data folder using the folder button on the launch screen.

    There is a whole topic devoted to where files are located, and how they work in the Developer Guide on the wiki that you should read.


  10. #70
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Be aware, once you unpack core rpg (or any ruleset or module) FG will no longer see updates to that item (because the compressed file will get updated, but FG always reads unpacked references first)

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

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