5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    LF DM - Dnd 5e - Tuesday Nights 8-11 CST

    Dedicated RPG group is looking for a DM to run a mini campaign after our current CoS campaign ends. I am the usual DM and I want a break to play.

    Players are all willing to pay. New characters, whatever the dm wants to run (within reason).

    Probably 8-12 weeks, but if we like you and you like us, I don’t think the group would be apposed to a more permanent position. We play on Tuesdays from 8-11 CST on Fantasy Grounds Unity and we use Discord for voice/video.

    Group of 5-6 players is pretty laid back but a good mix of Role-players Vs Dungeon Crawlers. All male (early 30’s). I’ve been DMing them for 3 years. We’ve done Waterdeep Dragon-heist, lost Mines of Phandelver, and are currently wrapping up Curse of Strahd.

    Anything I missed? Hit me up if you have any questions.
    Last edited by keckyes; October 6th, 2022 at 19:37.

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