Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1
    Intruder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State

    [Paid] [LFP] DM will host One-Shots

    Game: D&D 5e
    Platform: Fantasy Grounds Unity
    Experience: Any
    Location/Time Zone: Flexible
    Schedule: Flexible
    # Players: 1-4
    Character Level: 1-4
    Requires: Discord, FGU Demo, and a working headset.
    Cost: $5 session (PayPal only, sorry)
    session 0 will be free

    This can be the perfect method to Learn D&D 5e or begin your campaign.
    I will host 3-4 hour One-Shots, Private or Open Sessions.
    Play 1 Session and Judge for yourself.

    Want a game for yourself or with friends, need a DM/Host? Let me know.
    Discord "Intruder#5329"

  2. #2
    interested, are you going to do campaigns eventually? btw guys I've played with this guy, good DM

  3. #3
    Intruder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State
    The way I envision it, players of levels 1-3 play one-shots.
    The One-shots are all beginning arcs, each beginning their own campaigns.
    Players get to know other players and can form their own parties, playing different one-shots
    and discovering where they might lead.

    When a character reaches level 4, they begin an actual campaign.
    By then they should be comfortable with each other and can begin the campaign arc of their chosen direction.

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