1. #1

    Looking for DM's and Players alike to join and play in a homebrew realm.

    My name is Lucas, and I want to simultaneously have multiple campaigns run with different parties within the same homebrew world space. To do this, I'm reaching out and asking if any DM's or Players would be interested in joining my version of Exandria and race my party to the end of the world.

    An unimaginably powerful ore from the war against the Betrayer Gods remains scattered throughout the*Nine Planes of Existence.. a resource said to be used by the mortal champions of the Betrayer Gods.
    It is said the wielder of the collected shards would have enough power to start another Divine War, as each fragment is imbued with astonishing powers. My party attempts to take these shards one by one, but there are other forces at play. What will you decide?

    The majority of the world (named Exandria) is fleshed out, with detailed world maps (home-made using Inkarnate) to accompany it. When creating this world, I borrowed (stole) names and concepts from a multitude of different outlets, so if you're at all familiar with Critical Role, Forgotten Realms, Pathfinder Kingmaker, Dark Souls or League of Legends you'll likely recognize some of the names present within my world. I'd say the content of Exandria is split 50%-50%, half of it is homebrew and the other half is content pulled by different official sources. The majority of the world is fleshed out and I have a module available including a detailed reference manual (essentially a wiki for everything you need to know concerning the setting). This has carefully crafted information on the TWO sides of Exandria (Stolen Lands and Wildemount), including continents, dragons, history, items, languages, organization and races. Along with that is information on the Nine Realms of Exandria: Abyss, Astral Sea, Feywild, Jotunheim, Mount Celestia, Nine Hells, Prime Material, Shadowfell and Tal'Dorei.

    This is my first time posting this kind of thing, so if you have any comments or suggestions about how i should go about this please let me know: lucs#7822

    If you're interested in joining the community and playing within the world of Exandria, add me (lucs#7822) or join the Discord:

  2. #2
    What timezone and day are you planning on running it

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