1. #1

    LFG 2 players needed D&D5e Mondays 730-1130 CST

    FG License: Fantasy Grounds Unity- DM has Ultimate License, no purchase necessary.
    Game System:5e with some home-brew

    Time Zone: CST (USA)
    Day of week and time: Looking to host a Monday game - 730PM-1130PM CST

    Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hour sessions scheduled. We can run later than that as the story allows or if players wish. We will meet EVERY week.

    Looking to start the first Monday of next month (June) and will start with a session zero so players can introduce themselves and work out a backstory.

    Text or Voice: Voice and text
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

    Roleplay & Combat Mix: DM encourages RP but still plenty of combat. DM will lean heavily on RP as descriptions of NPCs/Combat actions and spells.
    As well as describing hits and misses. Expect players to want to do the same.

    Number of Players in Game & Needed: Currently have 3 players, and looking to fill to 2 more spots.
    Looking for players that are willing to work together for the greater good of the Swordcoast.

    Character starting level & equipment: This adventure will start at 1st level and I have planned material to get up to 15th.

    Character restrictions: DM has most source material and books. No restrictions beyond that, NO Unearthed Arcana .

    Details of your scenario: Will be discussed at session zero - but think regular 5E that leans Heavily into character growth and development.

    We are looking for serious players who really want a fun experience. We want to not only play D&D but tell a story that engages and makes us want to come back every week to see what happens next. We are not looking for Munchkins, Grognards, Murder Hobos, Rules Lawyers ect...

    Look forward to talking to you.

  2. #2
    I am interested in playing in this. I'm a long time veteran of D&D who loves RP heavy games. I've played some 5e recently, and am fairly familiar with the material at this point. A little foggy on some of the finer rules specifics.

  3. #3
    Sounds good. Our DM is a good storyteller but doesn’t require perfect rules knowledge. So as long as you know the basics we are good.

    Would you be willing to get on discord at some time and talk. We really want to get a person that we can get all get along with. Be kind of a half hour get to know you session and see if you like us and what we want to offer.

  4. #4
    Yeah that would be fine. As soon as I get home I'll DM you my discord ID

  5. #5

    Can I join

    Can I join the game

  6. #6
    I'm a little rusty but I can learn quickly and be a great help with the survival of the sword coast

  7. #7
    Interested. Are any slots left open?

  8. #8
    Is there a spot open that I could join

  9. #9
    If you still have a slot open, I'd be interested in getting a chance to get in. I've been looking for a Monday night game and I'm in the same time zone. I'm a veteran of D&D since first edition in the 70's. I always seem to find myself as the DM, and never the player. It would be nice to get a chance to play. Let me know if you can find a spot for me. Thanks!

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