1. #1

    LFP - Players wanted - 1e/OSRIC sandbox/hexcrawl every other Saturday afternoon, EDT

    FG License: GM has Ultimate
    Game System: D&D Classic (2e with 1e extensions and OSRIC reference)

    Time Zone: EDT USA
    Day of week and time: Every other Saturday, from 12 noon until 3 or 4, depending on where the best stopping point lands
    If new game, planned start date: As soon as May 7th, assuming we have the players. Otherwise, May 21st. Otherwise, 2 weeks after that
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hours per session, every other Saturday
    Term: As long as we're having fun

    Text or Voice: Voice with camera preferred
    Voice software used: Discord and/or Melon/Streamyard if we decide to stream it
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? We'll stream it if that's what folks want to do. I'm fine either way. I do think it would at least be useful to upload recordings. We can discuss as a group

    Roleplay & Combat mix: Likely lots of combat/evasion as is usual with old-school stuff. Combats are generally descriptive affairs where role-playing can help to determine your success or failure. Roleplaying will generally be in the first person, but third person is welcomed as well
    Number of Players in game & needed: Likely have 4-5 players at the moment. I'd like to have a minimum total of 7, and I'm comfortable with more
    Character starting level & equipment: 1st level and randomly generated money with which to purchase equipment, of course
    Character restrictions: Standard classes and races in OSRIC and we can talk about other 1e classes and races such as those in Unearthed Arcana and early Dragon Magazine

    Details of your scenario: The game is a sandbox/hexcrawl where the story writes itself based on what happens in the world and the actions of the characters. You're free to go wherever you want and do whatever you want. If you choose to do nothing, adventures will rarely find you. Everything you gain will be won through your abilities and a fair measure of luck. Death might be commonplace but rarely unearned. I have a huge library of original and OSR materials and I'm happy to put them all into Fantasy Grounds as needed. I also have several official FG products. We'll be using line-of-sight/dynamic lighting and DungeonDraft maps and nice portraits and tokens for all characters and monsters. I have Syrinscape, which I've yet to use to its full potential but it's there. I'm using a modded version of the 2e ruleset, several extensions and some modifications to the Combat Tracker so that I can handle the combats and what you can do in them in the way I think is best for 1e with miniatures/tokens.

    The rest: I'm a generally easy-going guy in his late forties who's been playing D&D and AD&D since B/X. I've got a family and all that and keep the games good and clean. I'm looking to get back into regularly playing after a fairly long hiatus and the group I've recently started is having some trouble making time given their other commitments. Interested players would just need to be able to commit to being present, within reason, and have similar ideas about old-school gaming and (A)D&D in general. Just looking to have some fun and find some fortune and glory. If you're unfamiliar with old-school play, I'd suggest reading a Quick Primer for Old School Gaming for an idea of how the game should go. If you're unfamiliar with Fantasy Grounds or whatever, I'm happy to help show you what I know.

    Feel free to reply or PM me or whatever if you're interested or would like further details.

    Last edited by Doomsword; April 29th, 2022 at 17:03.

  2. #2
    I'm interested if you still have availability. I was there for the original AD&D releases, but haven't looked at them for a LONG time.

  3. #3
    Yes, we have availability. Right now, I have 3 confirmed and another who's likely confirmed. You would be the 5th and I'd just be looking for a couple more. I'll PM you. Thanks for the response!

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