5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #751
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    This appears to be the issue - your "public" IP address is being reported as starting with 186.222, but your router is using 100.64 which is a private shared IP address - info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4_shared_address_space

    This means that your public IP address (186.222..) is being shared with multiple people - and therefore when a FG player instance tries to connect to that IP address, the network routing doesn't know how to connect through to you. You could contact your ISP and ask for a unique public IP address, or you could look into using a VPN that allows port forwarding - I haven't used one with FGC for at least 2 years, so I don't know what VPN works with FGC today. Or, you could swap to using FG Unity, which doesn't use port forwarding.
    Thank you.
    I guess, i'll try to buy unique IP from my ISP. But is still seems strange to me, why it was fine week ago :c
    Last edited by Winterkalte; February 6th, 2022 at 20:16.

  2. #752
    It's because there are not any more IPv4 addresses available on the Internet; so ISPs have been quietly consolidating in the background, and letting people come to them when stuff breaks. This was one of the primary motivating drivers to redo the networking in FG Unity to use a cloud networking broker.


  3. #753
    Hello everyone, I need help with my connection. This is going to be my first time GMing, so I really need your help.
    First of all, I'm in south america (Chile), running with windows 11 OS. I have friends with the same ISP and they dont have problems with hosting.

    LAN IP addres:
    WAN IP addres:
    Wired connection
    My connection is set on private
    AV is disabled and I have disabled the windows firewall too

    Traza a la dirección dns.google []
    sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

    1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
    2 * * * Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
    3 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms
    4 14 ms 12 ms 10 ms
    5 12 ms 12 ms 11 ms
    6 * * * Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
    7 13 ms 13 ms 11 ms
    8 15 ms 19 ms 12 ms
    9 15 ms 13 ms 24 ms
    10 17 ms 13 ms 10 ms dns.google []

    Traza completa.

    I have added the port forwarding on my router.
    Port forwarding.png

  4. #754
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by nico01 View Post
    Hello everyone, I need help with my connection. This is going to be my first time GMing, so I really need your help.
    First of all, I'm in south america (Chile), running with windows 11 OS. I have friends with the same ISP and they dont have problems with hosting.
    Welcome to the FG forums.

    To confirm - are you using FG Classic or FG Unity (FGU)?

    If you're using FG Unity then you don't specifically need to use port forwarding, use the brokered cloud connection option on the campaign load screen.

    If you're using FG Classic (FGC) then you will need port forwarding. Unfortunately, based off your traceroute info, your ISP is sharing your IP address with others - a common practice as there aren't enough IPv4 addresses for everyone. You can request a unique IPv4 address from your ISP (you may have to pay extra for this) or you could try a VPN that has port forwarding options (more than likely at a cost also). Or, change to FGU, where you don't need port forwarding.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #755
    Yeah I'm using FGC.
    How do you know from the tracerout that my IP address is shared?

  6. #756
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Pacific Time Zone
    It's your WAN IP.

    Your WAN IP is: is reserved for Carrier Grade NAT.

    It's a way to extend the life of IPv4 until everything transitions to IPv6.

    Unfortunately, because of the Carrier Grade NAT, it's impossible to setup port forwarding.

    It's super difficult to get port forwarding to work in that case, because you have to setup multiple port forwards. Since your ISP controls the equipment, they would have to setup that for you. It's not something they typically do though.

    However, ISPs use CG NAT, because as Trenloe mentioned, IPV4 addresses ran out a few years ago.

    As mentioned, you could ask for a Static IP address from your ISP, that usually costs extra.

    You might be able to tell your ISP that you need the ability to port forward, don't mention gaming. I think the suggestion was to tell your ISP that you need that ability for a Security system. Might be worth a shot.

  7. #757

  8. #758
    Thanks everyone for the help.
    I have decided to buy FGU, and it worked perfectly. I already started the campaign
    Also, the new modules of fog and light are awesome.

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