1. #1

    Conan Broken Theme on Unity?

    So I just bought the Conan ruleset for Fantasy Grounds Unity and it looks like this:
    2021-07-09 18_08_02-Photos.png

    When the screenshot advertises it looking like this:
    2021-07-09 17_09_12-Window.png

    What am I doing wrong? The sidebar buttons look broken and the overall theme seems generic and awful.

  2. #2
    It looks like you have the "Theme: FG Light" extension selected for that campaign. Try turning off all extensions on the FG launch screen after selecting that campaign, before pressing the Start button.

    The sidebar buttons for all rulesets have been changed to basic frame and text representations, due to development overhead across rulesets and themes.


  3. #3
    For what it's worth, the folks at Nerd Eye who made the Conan VTT provided an extension that returns the sidebar graphics.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by kessler25 View Post
    For what it's worth, the folks at Nerd Eye who made the Conan VTT provided an extension that returns the sidebar graphics.

    This is great and thanks for posting!

  5. #5
    It was Crom's will to help! Happy gaming!

  6. #6
    Anyone have an updated or link they can share? looks like they wiped and updated their forums.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

  7. #7

  8. #8

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