1. #1

    Where can I find the D&D 5e AL games?

    Where can I find the D&D 5e AL games?

  2. #2
    Check out Fantasy Grounds Pick Up Games -- https://fgpug.com/
    Assuming you are looking to play and not looking to purchase.

    Some are available for purchase on DMsGuild, but not everything has been converted, so you might have to convert it yourself.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    The games fill within minutes to seconds on AL Guildhall. You’re better off on FGPUG: better DM to player ratio.
    Last edited by damned; May 30th, 2022 at 11:32.

  5. #5
    GregRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I highly endorse FGPUG as well.

  6. #6
    Fantasy Grounds Pick Up Groups https://fgpug.com and their Discord https://discord.gg/nskW4Sv4
    Warhorn (Game Con and general game scheduling web app) https://warhorn.net
    The Adventurer League Discord - https://discord.gg/mBSJEYX
    Official D&D Discord - https://discord.gg/dnd
    Official Fantasy Grounds Discord - https://discord.gg/rD4ZTmGu

    I highly endorse Warhorn, it's clean, easy to use, and can clue you in to games on a variety of platforms. FGPug in addition to having it's own discord also uses Warhorn for scheduling.

    Although personally, I think we would see ALOT more games available if the community here adopted the same one that the old (now mostly defunct) maptools community used to use. That is, using a point system to create priority for access to play in games, to award points for DMing and remove points for playing, thereby encouraging more people to DM and making it easier to get into games if you've been giving back by DMing... I'm happy to create and host such a system if anyone is interested.
    Last edited by damned; May 30th, 2022 at 11:32.

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