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  1. #161

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Skullbert,

    I can’t promise anything, really, but I will try to find some time to look at the easier ones…

    I have little spare time at the moment.


  2. #162
    Hi Ian,

    I can totally understand your situation.
    Just because our rpg-group need this infomration - are you able to update the ruleset regarding the mentioned bugs? If not, this is absolutely okay. We only need to know if changes will happen or not

  3. #163

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Skullbert,

    I made some time and started working through them.

    Some need more work as they need to track state and reset at the start of the turn... possible, but I need to think a little more before I touch it.

    I have knocked off a couple of the others...

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Hello Ianmward,

    Thank you very much for the update. I have tested it together with our group and everything works fine now. We noticed the following points in relation to the SR4 rules:

    Range calcuation for throwing weapons:

    - Is there a possibility to add a function to calculate the throwing weapon range? This is currently not available in the version.
    I need to look a bit harder at this as the ranges are normally static and now need to be dynamic...

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Recoil rule for second shot in combat round:
    - The recoil rule does not work if you shoot several times in a combat round. For example, two short busts in a row or two semi-automatic shots. It only works if you shoot once fully automatically. Is it possible to change this rule for shoots/short bursts in a row?
    This is one that needs to maintain state.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Drain resistance after spellcasting
    -In this version, drain resistance includes penalties because of physical/stamina damage, this is not accord to the rules. Is it possible to remove the penalties for drain resistance?
    I fixed this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Deduction of defence pool after second attack
    - If player will be attacked second time by npc, usually there should be a deduction of 1 in defence pool. This does not happen. Is there any possibility to add this rule into the ruleset?
    This is one that needs to maintain state.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post

    Melee combat:
    - If player attacks npc, npc is not able to make defence check with additional ability (dodge/unarmed combat/melee).
    I partially fixed this. I fixed the Full Defense toggle switch to update the defense value to include either Dodge skill of Gymnastic skill (whichever is higher). This is correct for ranged combat but not melee combat. For Melee, we would need another defense value or the choice of dodge, parry or block. Unfortunately, we don't track if which of their weapons they are using, so don't know if they can parry or not.
    With PCs, it automatically parries if the active weapon is a Melee weapon...

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    - If npc attacks player while using melee ability, script error as below.

    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_skill.lua"]:323: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'nDV' (a nil value)
    Runtime Notice: s'aComponents: ' | { #1 = { s'nAllowRoll' = #1, s'nEnd' = #45, s'nMod' = #3, s'nLabelEnd' = #45, s'nStart' = #1, s'rWeaponDetail' = { s'sWeaponType' = s'Unarmed Combat', s'type' = s'Melee', s'sNotes' = s'', s'short' = #1, s'extreme' = #0, s'skill' = s'Unarmed Combat', s'ap' = s'0', s'long' = #0, s'sReach' = s'0', s'dv' = s'7K', s'sName' = s'Claws', s'min' = #0, s'medium' = #0 }, s'sLabel' = s'Unarmed Combat' } }
    Runtime Notice: s'onHoverUpdate: ' | #1 | #1 | #17 | { s'sWeaponType' = s'Unarmed Combat', s'type' = s'Melee', s'sNotes' = s'', s'short' = #1, s'extreme' = #0, s'skill' = s'Unarmed Combat', s'ap' = s'0', s'long' = #0, s'sReach' = s'0', s'dv' = s'7K', s'sName' = s'Claws', s'min' = #0, s'medium' = #0 }
    This was a weird one, it seems that the DV on the weapon in use was 7K which does not parse correctly (it should be P or S for Physical or Stun), so gave an error. I fixed that but then found another error, which I also fixed, so it seems to work now.

    I also made the fonts bigger for FGU.

  4. #164
    Hi Ian,

    thanks a lot for your updates. I really appreciate it
    After testing some weapons for NPCs (with the categories which are listed in the library within the ruleset), I noticed that some of the categores are not working. Please see below for the categories:

    - Category "Exotic Melee Weapons" is not working for npc player
    - Category "Throwing Weapons" is not working for npc player
    - Category "Hold Outs" is not working for npc player
    - Category "Special Weapons" is not working for npc player
    - Category "Grenades" is not working for npc player

    Additional to that, I would like to know if it is possible to modify the force of spellcasting for NPCs. As far as I could see, NPCs are able to cast, but only with their highest force (which is their magic-attribut).


  5. #165
    Gents just found this and I have looked everywhere, well obviously not everywhere, for an SR 4 VTT solution. I would love to try this but am not an FGU expert or a programmer. So my first question how do I get the html links in post 1 into my FGU software?, if anyone is still following this thread.

    Thanks in advance

  6. #166
    damned's Avatar
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    welcome Deadtissue

    Close FG. Open FG and click on the Folder/Explorer Icon on the splash screen.
    From there open \rulesets and drop the pak file there
    The mod file goes in the \modules folder

  7. #167
    Thanks, I am now loaded and beginning to explore.........I was trying to access the wrong files.

  8. #168
    The files wont work with the newest FGU version 4.2.1- if you drag something (Skill, item) on the charsheet from the library/ module always a error messages comes up and you find also not the items in the Character menu (Skills, Spells etc.)- what can we do here? Thanks Micael

  9. #169
    Yeah you are right there, I have started just using the generic ruleset and running games in FGU just using combat tracker and maps, lighting, etc, and a few basic NPCs I generate where needed, My biggest challenge is dice pools. I basically have the players create a range of pools from 6-16 dice in the taskbar across the bottom, it has sped things up immensly.

    Thanks for the reply and attempt though.

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    welcome Deadtissue

    Close FG. Open FG and click on the Folder/Explorer Icon on the splash screen.
    From there open \rulesets and drop the pak file there
    The mod file goes in the \modules folder
    Any chance for an update oif this ruleset tocorrect the bugs, that happen when you want to drag weapons on the charactersheet or the bugs at start of this ruleset?


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