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  1. #11
    Thanks guys. I have been trying to view as many as possible to get a a feel for the system. I think it reads a bit more complicated than it plays from watching. I have been watching your you tube stuff as well jolly soaking it all in.

  2. #12
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
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    St. Johns, NL, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Kona View Post
    Thanks guys. I have been trying to view as many as possible to get a a feel for the system. I think it reads a bit more complicated than it plays from watching. I have been watching your you tube stuff as well jolly soaking it all in.
    You are 100% correct, if you ever play this game around a real table, the game is fantastically simple and fluid.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by vegaserik View Post
    As a side note on 5/18 he's starting another Conan game on his Twitch stream which he usually puts up on YouTube at some point afterwards.
    good to know. I will tune in.

  4. #14

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    New Orleans, LA, USA
    The bad:

    A whole section is missing from the core book is missing. These are the various Kickstarter backer characters.

    The Fantasy Grounds version of the core rules is missing most of the art from the core book, about 95% of it.

    The Talent’s are on talent tree’s (flowcharts) showing that you need certain ones in order to get others. The images of the trees are missing in the Fantasy Grounds version of the core rule book and you need to look back at a PDF or a print version of the core book to see them.

    The Crom font that is used in the ruleset prevents text from not displaying properly and many text characters to not show up and will appear as a blank space. (Apostrophes showing up as blank spaces are a huge problem of this.) Upper and lower case looks the same too. When I was doing data entry for NPCs from the various sourcebooks and the sample PCs from the quickstarts for the RPG I noticed this. If you want to see what the text problems are with it in a word processor program, see this link to download the font.


    The Fantasy Grounds version has no tutorial or PDF guide showing the way that certain text will change the way by adding other entry fields or removing them depending on what is entered on each line. I had pend a bit of time looking at various items and NPCs to get all of that info.

    The calendar function is removed as was mention. You can find a extension to add it back in and a calendar based on the one in GURPS Conan. Other calendars do exist for Conan’s Hyperborean Age but no one has done a Fantasy Grounds version of them as they are more complex than the one in GURPS Conan and for specific nations.

    Ruleset is bland and not very decorative. The optional sidebar that you can download if you look in the bug thread helps with this though.

    Combat tracker isn’t that useful.

    Examples and many sidebars are missing from the core rulebook and this can make things difficult if you are new to the rules.

    Updates are usually slow and none of the expansion books have been converted to Fantasy Grounds yet and surprisingly the official character VTTs are on Roll20 for purchase but not available as a Fantasy Grounds token module. (Setting the character tokens up as a Fantasy grounds token module is easy and can be done in under 5 minutes.)

    The designers didn’t plan for things in the various expansion books and data entry of some things in them can’t be done.

    The good:

    Has GM screen reference tables as images.

    Character sheet is clear an easy to read and access information from. (However, the Crom font has caused problems with some PC names.)

    The description of each quality for items like weapons is given in the item data entry so you don’t have to look in the core book if you need to know what they do.
    Doom and momentum are shown on the table. This really helps speed up game play and helps new new players.

    Once you get used to it and its quirks it works well.

    The rule set creators are friendly and are glad to answer questions.

    Good or Bad Depending On Person:

    The Conan Tilesets for Fantasy Grounds have the Monolith Conan board game range and area markings removed from the that are in the PDF, Print, and Roll20 versions. The tilesets were made for both the Monolith Conan board game and the Conan RPG. The Conan Monolith Sourcebook for the Conan RPG makes it also clear that those marking are for using them in the Monolith board game. They are not zone indicators for the RPG and this is a common mistaken belief. The circles are where you measure from to determine range in the board game if you’re curious what they are used for.

    Some people like the markings on the tiles and others don’t.

    I can do you some screenshots if you want more info on this and to see a comparison.

    It does do automation for some things. You still however are going to not have automation for some things that ought to. So you may want more automation or be fine with what it does.
    Last edited by Jay_NOLA; May 21st, 2021 at 14:58.

  5. #15
    Thanks very much Jay. I was wondering if it would be better to buy the pdf tiles and import them into FG or buy them straight from the shop. I am not concerned about the markings the less clutter on maps the better for me.

    Still working my way through the hardcopy rules hoping to land a game. The artwork is unreal. Takes me back to the 80's. Have ordered some more expansions just for the read. I am worried about how one would get them into FG and was hoping to hear word on them being published for FG.

  6. #16
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kona View Post
    Thanks very much Jay. I was wondering if it would be better to buy the pdf tiles and import them into FG or buy them straight from the shop. I am not concerned about the markings the less clutter on maps the better for me.

    Still working my way through the hardcopy rules hoping to land a game. The artwork is unreal. Takes me back to the 80's. Have ordered some more expansions just for the read. I am worried about how one would get them into FG and was hoping to hear word on them being published for FG.
    Its very simple to import them into a module. When I was using Fantasy Grounds and MoreCore, I had imported into my own, Conan Core book, Conan the Thief, Conan the Pirate, Mercenary and the Book of Skelos. Using the Reference Library extension you can do pretty much what ever you want. It just takes some time. If you want to see an example, scroll down the forum here, and look for this thread.


  7. #17
    I for one don't want them to add the lines to the tiles, and if they do I hope they keep the copies without them. I would like to see higher quality images of these though. You can get the pdf's and import them, but it keeps the big white dots on them and zone lines.

    It's easy to import stuff into the game. I've done all the various talents, items, and maps. Working through the npc's from the various books now which is tedious, but that's the case for pretty much any ruleset - monsters are always tough with all the various fields to fill. Adventures are pretty simple as well. All of this is easier with the pdf's with cut/paste, typing everything in would be a pain lol

  8. #18
    Wow Jolly you were committed to the cause. Nice work. Thanks for the tip on the pdf's as well. Like you I don't really want the zones on the maps.

  9. #19
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
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    I for one, like the zones on the map.. But I also would have liked to have the zones in a layer where you can turn on and off as a person desired. That would be a smart buisness move.. or just offer the image with and with out the zone lines.

  10. #20
    I will add that I would love if they changed the "Notes" field in the NPC stat block to be a regular text field that I could format how I want instead of lines that take no formatting.

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