Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #71
    yep! you can. just use the + to get the info to paste into the soundlink.
    "Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind."...MJK... Tool frontman

  2. #72
    Patou's Avatar
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    Here's another latest picture20181201_002729.jpg
    Patou a.k.a: Patmaster
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  3. #73

  4. #74
    Patou's Avatar
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    South-shore of Montreal, QC. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    Hahaha! I think it follows the weather. Started snowing here. I find it funny cause it is now that I'm running my players through Tomb of Annihilation. I think I'll go to the dollar store and pickup some fake plants and vines and hang them up around the table.
    Patou a.k.a: Patmaster
    Challenging players since 1987
    2E, 3.5E & now 5E
    Discord = @PatouLeFou

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by dulux-oz View Post
    Are you using the DOE: Sound to help with the Syrinscape stuff?
    Wow, just started using DOE! this will make my DM life so much easier, as i can put the most likely used sounds right into the story... thanks for the tip

    soundscape snip.JPG

  6. #76
    Just had my first game session with my players using DOE.... oh wow, all my attention is on the players and the game, and none searching for the right sound to click on, its right there on the story board... thanks guys, this is fantastic! ( I use a LOT of sounds )

  7. #77
    Well, this is a heck of a necro, but I came here to post my appreciation and here's this thread, stickied!

    I just want to express how grateful I am to have this tool in my GMing arsenal. It's made my games so much better, and made remote GMing so much easier. I literally cannot stomach the thought of going back to the alternatives I had been using before. And now with the new lighting system in Unity, I'm yet to use it in a game but I'm playing around with it ahead of my next session and it adds *so* much to the visuals I can present to my party. I can finally have one character's thermal vision represented on the map, and I can have that dimly lit corridor be genuinely dimly lit, with a torch light coming from one of the player tokens. I really, really love it.

    So, thank you, to everyone who worked on this awesome software and got all these features implemented. I'm no stranger to development myself and I can image the challenge this must have been to put together. You're all rockstars in my book

  8. #78
    Doug are there any new graphics available?
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  9. #79
    Hi. I'm new to FG, but holy gaming tools Batman, it's cool fun. The look and feel is amazingly close to actually sitting around a table throwing handfuls of dice. The map with visibility/occlusion, all that stuff. So cool. Nice design and development.

    Also I know people who desperately want to play D&D, but can't go out for various reasons, so this is immensely useful and enjoyable for such people.

    Excellent work.

  10. #80
    BelleMuerte's Avatar
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