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  1. #121
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Smite Works have 30-days money back guarantee. If you are lucky and you fall within that period, you can contact them at [email protected].
    For the rest of us - we hope for miracle.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by ShotGun Jolly View Post
    It was already posted here once.. but had to be removed cause "reasons" The lead developer of the Conan ruleset did not think it was an issue at first.. but now there is a "reason" What changed? I just wanted to know.

    But apparently asking why is causing drama it seems. So people can surmise why I am not wanting to go SunSpots website.
    Ok, for the record, I'm not trying to be petty or argumentative. I genuinely am confused. I don't understand this statement that it was posted here already. We did not release this ext on these forums at first. We made the decision to post them on our forums because when we approached SW about this issue initially, they said it would be something that would cause our ruleset to no longer be supported. Go look at post 101 where Moon Wizard explains it. So, we decided that since this is something that SW does not want to have their tables do, that we would put it on our site to show that we are 100% responsible for it, and SW is in no way affiliated with the ext. I cross linked here, because I have said in the past I would update these forums whenever we do something new.

    With all that previous info put out there, I was confused why we were still being attacked for posting a "fix" that wasn't a fix. To be fair, you were not the first to state this.

    As far as your statement saying if it's not a fix to restore the product to what it used to be, what is it. This statement really confused me. Smiteworks did an update that changed how their system looked and functioned. We as developers had to obviously comply and work within their framework. We decided we were not fully thrilled with what they did. Not to crap on them, it's their right to do as they wish with their software. Because of this, we did what tons of people on these forums and elsewhere did, we modded the game because we saw a quality of life addition that we wanted. We never saw it as a fix, and with our communications with Smiteworks, we decided to not put this ext on here because they were very clear they did not want that functionality in their system.

    I am sorry you felt we were attacking or being argumentative in any way, we were just trying to be concise.
    Wesley Toma-Lee
    Lead Developer
    Nerd Eye Industries

  3. #123
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by statik37 View Post
    Ok, for the record, I'm not trying to be petty or argumentative. I genuinely am confused. I don't understand this statement that it was posted here already. We did not release this ext on these forums at first. We made the decision to post them on our forums because when we approached SW about this issue initially, they said it would be something that would cause our ruleset to no longer be supported. Go look at post 101 where Moon Wizard explains it. So, we decided that since this is something that SW does not want to have their tables do, that we would put it on our site to show that we are 100% responsible for it, and SW is in no way affiliated with the ext. I cross linked here, because I have said in the past I would update these forums whenever we do something new.

    With all that previous info put out there, I was confused why we were still being attacked for posting a "fix" that wasn't a fix. To be fair, you were not the first to state this.

    As far as your statement saying if it's not a fix to restore the product to what it used to be, what is it. This statement really confused me. Smiteworks did an update that changed how their system looked and functioned. We as developers had to obviously comply and work within their framework. We decided we were not fully thrilled with what they did. Not to crap on them, it's their right to do as they wish with their software. Because of this, we did what tons of people on these forums and elsewhere did, we modded the game because we saw a quality of life addition that we wanted. We never saw it as a fix, and with our communications with Smiteworks, we decided to not put this ext on here because they were very clear they did not want that functionality in their system.

    I am sorry you felt we were attacking or being argumentative in any way, we were just trying to be concise.
    Thanks for the clear summary of the situation. With all this going on, I think releasing the extension on the Nerd Eye Games forums is the right decision.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #124
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by statik37 View Post
    Smiteworks did an update that changed how their system looked and functioned. ... Because of this, we did what tons of people on these forums and elsewhere did, we modded the game because we saw a quality of life addition that we wanted.
    And thanks for taking the time to create the extension and release it to the public. Very much appreciated.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #125
    So no update to the party sheet that was promised for today in your forums? Very disappointing, I'm sure someone was sick or something. I know you're working on alot of different sets, but maybe Conan should get finished first since people have already paid for that one. I'm definitely going to have to think twice before buying anything else Nerd Eye does.

  6. #126
    There are several updates in flight at the moment. We do have day jobs AND we were waiting on materials from the publisher. Feel free to complain to them.

  7. #127
    Meanwhile, the party sheet was re-enabled. It'll get posted for next Tuesday's release. We'll activate a suggestion box for feature-adds to the sheet. But the basic CoreRPG version will be back by the next update.


  8. #128
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Do you plan in the next update to finally fix the following items:
    • Reference manual with images
    • Encoding issues in modules in Unity
    • Layout fix for Character Sheet in Unity (attribute and skill boxes are misaligned as hell, no need for OCD to be annoyed)
    • Corebook images in Images library as with every FG product

    Probably I reported other issues, but compared to those, they are minor.

    If you have problems in delivering those I offer my help, pro bono.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  9. #129
    We're aware. We're working on module and map pack changes. When we've got those complete, we'll push them out to the rest of you.

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunspoticus View Post
    There are several updates in flight at the moment. We do have day jobs AND we were waiting on materials from the publisher. Feel free to complain to them.
    So what materials are you waiting for that'll help the Conan base ruleset? So no I'm complaining to you cause the ruleset has had updates in flight for 6 months that haven't ever come out. I'm sorry but you have nothing but excuses and it's always someone else's fault. I've tried hard to remain positive, but I just can't anymore. Take Valyar up on his offer, the rule sets he does gets fixed asap if there's issues. There's no shame in getting help, there is shame for poor customer service. You stopped posting updates here cause there was negativity - ever think that's cause what's promised doesn't come true? It IS one of the more expensive rule sets and right now people just want it to be worth our money.

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