1. #1

    Star Wars D6 Ruleset won't appear on the Game list

    Hey everyone,

    I am trying to get the Star Wars RPG D6 to work before I start to mod it for my own purposes but I am not seeing it appear on the game system list on Fantasy Grounds Unity. I am new to FG programming but I don't see what I could be missing. I have fixed an error associated with xml comments but I feel that shouldn't prevent it from appearing right?

    Here is where I found the ruleset

    Can anyone point in the right direction?

  2. #2
    That ruleset was built 13 years ago, and has not been updated. In fact, that wiki will be in the process of being shut down and migrated to the new wiki.

    I have repackaged the file here without the comments and misplaced XML definition tags so that it loads. However, it still spits out a bunch of errors for things that should be updated for FGU.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Oh! This is awesome! Thank you very much!

    I will try to go through it and make the updates. Hopefully, it's not too much trouble. haha

    Thank you again!

  4. #4
    I just started working on a ruleset the Star Wars Open D6 as well. The first thing I am working on is the wild die. I have it configured as a 2nd d6 on the table that write to chat when a 1 or 6 is rolled currently, and am trying to make it a unique class with its own appearance and functions.

    Feel free to reach out if you want to compare notes. My goal is to establish a baseline that has a functional character sheet with dice rolling. After that, I will decide where to go with it.

  5. #5
    I was able to get it!

    Star Wars Open D6 Wild Die
    based on
    reference: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...944/chatwindow

    function onInit() -- // runs when campaign loads
    GameSystem.actions["wilddie"] = { bUseModStack = false }; -- define action
    ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("wildie", onRoll); -- register action & returned result
    Comm.registerSlashHandler("wilddie", processRoll); -- register chat command & function it calls

    function processRoll(sCommand, sParams) -- // initial function
    performRoll(draginfo, rActor, bSecretRoll); -- call performRoll

    function performRoll(draginfo, rActor, bSecretRoll) -- // roll the die
    local rRoll = getRoll(rActor, bSecretRoll); -- obtains roll properties from getRoll
    ActionsManager.performAction(draginfo, rActor, rRoll); -- rolls the dice

    function getRoll(rActor, bSecretRoll) -- // define roll properties
    local rRoll = {}; -- initialise a blank rRoll record
    rRoll.sType = "wildie";
    rRoll.aDice = { "d6" };
    rRoll.nMod = 0;
    rRoll.sDesc = "Wild Die!";
    rRoll.bSecret = bSecretRoll; -- for GM secret rolls
    return rRoll;

    function onRoll(rSource, rTarget, rRoll) -- // return the results
    local rMessage = ActionsManager.createActionMessage(rSource, rRoll); -- define message to return
    local nTotal =; -- define the total of the roll
    if nTotal == 1 then
    rMessage.text = rMessage.text .. " [A ONE WAS ROLLED]"; -- report if a 1 is rolled in the message to return
    if nTotal == 6 then
    rMessage.text = rMessage.text .. " [A SIX WAS ROLLED]"; -- report is a 6 was rolled in the message to return
    processRoll(); -- roll the wild die again

    Now I need to put a token on the table that calls it with a click and can move on to figuring out how to handle it in game play, e.g. a PC rolls 3d6+2 so 2d6 are normal and 1d6 is the wild die & add 2 to the result.

    Thanks again!!

  6. #6
    Hello everyone. So what is the best ruleset (or extension) to use with FGU to play Star Wars D6 (WEG)?

  7. #7

  8. #8
    It is an ongoing project, but even so it can be useful. It would be the best to have the Character Sheet

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