Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Splittermond Ruleset

    Hi all!

    A group of students from Hochschule Offenburg have created a FG ruleset for the new German RPG "Splittermond". It can be downloaded free of charge from this webpage. Feedback and comments are best given using the mail address provided on the webpage, thus going directly to the ruleset authors.

    Have fun playing!
    Current campaigns:
    - The Towers of London (Savage Worlds) as GM - using FG
    - Savage Seas (Savage Worlds) as GM - using traditional wooden table or FG

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Hello I know a few years passed but still people like me are playing Splittermond.
    I would like to ask if the project is still active since the downloadlink doesn't work.

  4. #4
    The Project seems to have been abandoned by it´s creators, but the Ruleset can be downloaded here

    This thing is ancient and won´t start with FGC or FGU.
    I´m no expert, but what i found when i cracked it open was that .ttf fonts are missing and of course the sidebar buttons won´t work.
    Maybe someone with time and knowledge can give this some love.

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