Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #81
    Another way to avoid this (and to give an excuse to buy something) is to buy a router. Your ISP is able to manage your internet because of the modem/router they install on location. When your editing your settings, your editing the settings for the actual router/modem that they installed. In addition, this "security feature" only happens on certain xfinity models of routers/modems. So to avoid this, either permanently set your router settings as pointed out by @Nylanfs earlier in this thread (quote shown below).

    It looks like this will disable it permanently (or until they turn it on again).
    Or buy a new router or wifi router (if your wireless) and set your modem that was given to you to bridge mode. I will warn users, doing this requires some technical knowledge to do this. Meaning that you will need to do some research on this as well as what type of modem/router your ISP gave you, what router you are connecting to it, as well as how to do bridge mode. Not only that, but while doing the switcheroo you will have no internet. So make sure you have cell service so that way you can call your ISP for help in setting this up or google your issue. The reason you need to set your modem/router to bridge mode is to have an unmanaged connection to the Internet. The whole reason as to why this problem is appearing for players is because your ISP is managing your internet connections for you in order to protect their users. However, in some cases with Xfinity, this can turn into excessive hand holding and blocking known safe connections.

    *BONUS*An added plus to buying a new router and using that instead of what your ISP gave you will be (in most cases) better internet speed, bandwidth, and connectivity. So, as long as your willing to put in the work, this can be hugely beneficial for people that like to game or stream wirelessly.

    I have had several players on Xfinity who could not connect because of this issue, and have tirelessly spent time trying to fix it. This knowledge comes from my research on the internet (where else would I get it), my time working in IT, talking to other Comcast IT specialists I know of, and talking to comcast (they are a pain in the ***). However, I will assert that I may be wrong and I am open to any criticism. So feel free to reply back to correct me on anything I said that could be wrong.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Comcast , Cox, Shaw Communications and Xfinity users - your ISP is "protecting" you and blocking incoming connections on your Port Forwards.
    You will need to go in and unblock the FG server AND your players every 30days.

    Extra info from Niles

    So log into, NOT the admin page where you port forward. This would be where you can pay your monthly bill. Click on Network, then Advanced Security, then you'll see all the devices connected to your wifi. It will probably show that there were "threats" to your devices. Click on your device that runs Fantasy Grounds. The next page will say "Unauthorized Access Attempt and specify the number of threats to your device. Click on that and the next page will say "threat history". Click on that. Now you can click on "allow" to let FG and anyone else trying to access Port 1802 through. But as damned said, it's only for 30 days. At the end of 30 days, you have to allow it all again. I had a Comcast (help: comcast customer service number) tech out and he said this extra layer of security can't be bypassed and even the newest of modems will have it.

    You may be able to disable it permanently (or until they turn it on again).

    Thank you for this. Really helped.

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