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  1. #11
    Hi there I realise this is an semi-old thread, but I have found a solution to this (also commented it on someone elses thread who had a similar question).
    Instead of trying to apply AC: +1d20 to the defender, give the attacker ATK: -1d20.
    Obviously you still need to give everyone a -10 to their AC to remove the base 10.
    But yeah the math works out the same, and fantasy grounds is built to handle it.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Nashville, TN
    Let's bring this back to life

    Another alternative I just thought of would be to have each player roll their "defense" at the end of their turn and manually update their AC. That would be their new AC until the end of their next turn. That means they will only have to roll once each turn instead of every attack and make things a little more simple. This would also still allow characters to use the Dodge action since that only effects the attacker's roll.

    An addition to this "rule" would be to use a Dex save instead, or perhaps use Dex (Acrobatics) so that the defender is able to gain Prof Bonus. I would also incorporate alternative armor rules: no more AC from armor and adding DR to armor (example; RESIST: 3 slashing). I believe there are some old optional rules for AD&D that has the specifics for DR for armor for specific damage types. Of course, the armors would need to be updated to have those effects applied which is fairly simple in FG. I would not even try to do this at the table IRL, lol.

    Now if there were only a way to have armor take damage so that it eventually becomes useless and needs to be repaired during a rest or downtime (or just replaced if it takes too much damage). Make money have a little more meaning in 5E.

    I would also incorporate the old weapon rules from 3.5 for threat ranges and such. Maybe even add extended failure ranges for some weapons and have crit fails cause damage to the weapon so that it needs repair (or it gets broken). This also gives more use for money instead of characters accumulating thousands of gp with nothing to use it on after the first few adventures. And, give a reason for the PCs to visit the armorer instead of just for RP to find their next adventure.

  3. #13
    Hi Specimen. I saw your post on the other thread but how exactly are you doing this? Are you adding a spell with an effect? Is this a modified attack you are doing for the Player? Do you add this effect to each NPC? Can you be a little more descriptive? What you are saying is computing to me I just don't knwo how to implement it to work correctly in order to get my players to do the rolls.

    Thanks in Advance

  4. #14
    I find a way to automate the process:
    Add an effect on everyone NPC and players:
    Roll for AC; AC: -10; ATK: -1d20;

    Each time you attack you will roll the defense of the enemy, seen the dice are rolled automatically they have the same effect as if the enemy rolls for their defense.

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