September 17th, 2020, 12:46 #1
What is the state of Conan 2d20 ruleset & module development
I am frustrated by the lack of responses and fixes for this ruleset, and while I don't regret the money spent on it (yet), I am starting to reconsider my intention to put the next campaign in it and invest in any future product (as I already have Conan the Pirate, Thief, Barbarian in MoreCore based custom ruleset).
I checked the developer's forums (https://nerdeyegames.com/Forums/foru...s/threadpage/5), and it seems the things are more dire there. It seems until FGU is stable they won't be developing the ruleset and I am very surprised by this statement, because as far as I store says - this product is supported on FGC.
So, I hope we get someone from the dev team here to tell all clients what the roadmap is, timeframes, commitments and etc for the current and future products.
PS: Are you going to update the map packs with high-res images with zones included at some point?The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.
September 17th, 2020, 17:06 #2
FGU is very stable at this point -- as much as FGC is stable. Each of our in-house rulesets supports FGU and FGC and has for some time. Any third party developers should reach out to our team for assistance if they are struggling with the support for any features in FGU. We have contacted Nerdeye Games about the statements.
September 17th, 2020, 17:42 #3
Its possible now, yes. We're collecting a feature list for FGU that'll need to be updated. LOS is already on that list.
I don't recall us ever saying and we'd never develop against FGU and if someone told you that, thats in serious error.
As far as timelines go, let me be clear. Nerd Eye is a part-time endeavor. All FOUR of us have day jobs. We are also working on multiple projects. The next set of releases are Book of Skelos and Horrors of the Hyborean Age. Updates to make the core ruleset work ideally with FGU are constantly being identified and worked on.
If you feel you aren't getting the answers from the forums, feel free to contact me directly either here or you can email me at sunspoticus at nerdeyeindustries dot com.
September 17th, 2020, 17:48 #4
Thanks Sunspoticus.
September 18th, 2020, 19:58 #5
September 19th, 2020, 21:09 #6
Thank you for the prompt answer, Sunspoticus.
From customer perspective (player and GM) my concerns are valid - you have four 2d20 rulesets that seems are WiP and even though the game mechanics share the same core, the systems fork and differ. And if Conan is stalling like that with four developers, I don't want to think what might be when you spread over the various products.
I would give the benefit of the doubt here and see how things progress in the following weeks. I will put my Conan 2d20 plans in favor of another short campaign and return in few months. I hope there are no hard feelings.The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.
September 27th, 2020, 09:38 #7
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I have a quick question / comment and thought this could be a good the thread.
I was wondering if there was any thoughts being put into creating a character generator within the Conan ruleset? I like the way the D&D one works within fantasy grounds. I know that Modiphius has a browser app for generating characters that works well. Now, if it would be possible to use that to import xml that could be handy. (unless I've missed something)
Also, I'll be hoping and waiting diligently for you to add all the modules to the game. More artwork and maps please.
Best of luck and thanks for all the hard work.
September 29th, 2020, 18:55 #8
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October 10th, 2020, 09:36 #9
I have been planning the next rpg season and Conan 2d20 is always on the list. I decided to check how things are with the ruleset. I have seen that the old domain and forums are wiped and threads lost... Looking at the new site I am again puzzled and wondering if this ruleset has any future and hope to see the light of days as fully fleshed product line. Why the rant again?
On the Coming soon I see 4 (four) new and quite different products planned or in the works. I always welcome that, especially if they are planned for Fantasy Grounds, but then I begin to wonder... Checking the forums, in the single thread I find the "roadmap" for Conan:
- Book of Skelos (in final edit)
- Horrors of the Hyborean Age (in final edit)
- Conan the Adventurer (~50% complete)
- Start conversion on each of the Conan the... sourcebooks in no particular order at the moment
Adding the extreme slow pace (or lack of) in addressing issues such as Reference Manual and ruleset enhancements to the automation, I really wonder if there is any point to continue following this. I personally made 3 full modules for my own usage by converting The Thief, Pirate and Mercenary over 2-3 weeks with full reference manual and NPS/Items/Careers/Encounters libraries for MoreCore, and I am single person with probably less time on my hands than four of you combined. And you work on 4 rulesets now with their own set of content.
PS: Fix the product title, there is "Of" that you forgot: https://nerdeyeindustries.com/Products/ConanThe past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.
October 10th, 2020, 14:47 #10
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