1. #1

    Adding occupation skills


    Edit: should be adding sub-skills not occupation skills

    Wondering if anyone can assist me with something.

    When I add skill, firearm. The skill adds at -1%. The base for handguns is 20%. I can adjust it in the 3rd row of pts but then it will show the character has 21 pts used there. Is there another way?
    Last edited by Valekk; September 4th, 2020 at 15:23.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Valekk View Post

    Edit: should be adding sub-skills not occupation skills

    Wondering if anyone can assist me with something.

    When I add skill, firearm. The skill adds at -1%. The base for handguns is 20%. I can adjust it in the 3rd row of pts but then it will show the character has 21 pts used there. Is there another way?
    Try changing the sub-skill to exactly what is listed in the main skill, including case. It should adjust the value of the base chance as soon as you change focus away from the sub-skill line. -1 is the default base value the ruleset has for firearms and fighting if it doesn't recognize the entry in the following line.

    Hopefully this will work.

  4. #4
    Fixed: Thanks Esmdev
    I thought the sub skills was pistols, but I doublt checked and it was handgun.

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