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  1. #1

    FG Unity and Extensions Not Loading?

    I am completely new to FG and am contemplating a move from Roll20. I mostly play GURPS 4e, although I also play D&D 5e on occasion. So far all I have done is download FG Unity and the GURPS ruleset and associated extensions and monkey around a bit. Issue #1 is the log below. Is the GURPS_4E_TableRolls incompatible with FG Unity, or is there an error in that document? Same question for GURPS_Valahn.

    Also, unrelated, if anyone has recommendations for a quick reference guide/how to, that would be great, for things like importing maps, creating tokens, etc. So far importing characters from GCS has been a breeze.


    [8/29/2020 11:29:03 AM] FGU: v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-08-26)
    [8/29/2020 11:29:03 AM] OS: Mac OS X 10.15.6
    [8/29/2020 11:29:03 AM] GRAPHICS: AMD Radeon Pro 555X : 4096
    [8/29/2020 11:29:03 AM] USER: TheFabulousIronChef
    [8/29/2020 11:29:03 AM] Launcher scene starting.
    [8/29/2020 11:29:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Extension Info Load (GURPS_4E_TableRolls): An XML comment cannot contain '--', and '-' cannot be the last character. Line 749, position 6.
    [8/29/2020 11:29:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Extension Info Load (GURPS_Valahn): An XML comment cannot contain '--', and '-' cannot be the last character. Line 2, position 3.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It would appear there are XML formatting issues within the extension files. I don't have have those particular extensions (I believe they were for a much older version of the ruleset). If you are able to link them, I should be able to fix them so they work with FGU.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  3. #3
    Hi, ronnke. Thanks for responding. I think I may have, in fact, downloaded the wrong extensions. I went to this page ( to download them. Perhaps those are the old ones?

  4. #4
    I think I no longer have this issue; I downloaded the most up to date extensions and made sure to enable GURPS Core extension (I hadn't clicked that) and things seem to be working so far.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by TheFabulousIronChef View Post
    I think I no longer have this issue; I downloaded the most up to date extensions and made sure to enable GURPS Core extension (I hadn't clicked that) and things seem to be working so far.
    Cool. The GURPS Core extension is still not 100% for FGU, nothing game breaking, just some fonts and such.
    Last edited by ronnke; August 31st, 2020 at 22:31.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  6. #6
    Is there a way to create 3d6 tables instead of 1d16+2? Tried to create a table, got this result. Can't figure out how to change 1d16+2 to 3d6.
    Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 7.01.03 PM.png

    I originally wrote the above but then found this video which talks about it here. Wasn't super intuitive but got it now.
    Last edited by TheFabulousIronChef; September 1st, 2020 at 00:18.

  7. #7
    Hey Fabulous

    Where did you find the "right" one. The one you mentioned is the only one I have found so far.

    The extensions seem to be all over the place , or I just haven't found the central GURPS repository for them other than Ronnke's
    Anybody want a peanut!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Fezzik Buttercup View Post
    Hey Fabulous

    Where did you find the "right" one. The one you mentioned is the only one I have found so far.

    The extensions seem to be all over the place , or I just haven't found the central GURPS repository for them other than Ronnke's
    I haven’t found any extensions that work particularly well, but the rule set ( has been working well for me.

  9. #9
    Ignore me; this was posted on the wrong thread
    Last edited by Fezzik Buttercup; September 24th, 2020 at 16:20.
    Anybody want a peanut!

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