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  1. #11
    A Macro Recorder would question the idea of it being a physics simulator. By rolling the dice the same every time, you should get the same result IF the physics simulator is in play (haven't payed attention if the dice reset to a given number or go to previous rolled result or some random so maybe irrelevant).

  2. #12
    If you use discoed you might want to reach out to this thread.


    It keeps track of all of the rolls and gives you what the average is. Personally after reading a bunch of these threads here I do not think there is anything wrong with the current system.

  3. #13
    I have the same experience in Fantasy Grounds as I do at the tabletop. When you roll the dice you sometimes get streaks of good luck or bad luck. Everyone notices these streaks but nobody pays any attention to the regular random rolls, so the streaks are more noticeable and more likely to be whined about.

  4. #14
    Topic drift is occurring.

    Claim is that mouse movement is either
    1) Being used to do physics simulation (I am pressing X to doubt)
    2) Used as input to generate a random seed (maybe/more likely)

    Also suggested that the seed is determined in some unknown fashion if its not the emulated "virtual" dice.

    I have issue with option 2 as an idea if you are using the ability to roll against an opponent (click-drag an attack onto a token) given you have no input into how the dice is rolled, unless its reading where you are dragging it from and onto token?

    Point being however that apparently my theory that apparently at session creation the system creates a randomseed and runs till exhaustion isn't true based on what posters here are saying. I don't know yall so don't know if we had a dev chime in and confirm one way or another, or where the information is coming from, but given the amount of posts, ill take you at your word for the time being.

  5. #15
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    The devs have chimed in on the past on this topic. They generally don't spend their time doing so any more. Rather they spend it developing the software.

    If someone feels strongly enough that the dice are not rolling randomly, they can parse the chatlog.html and do a statistical analysis on it. This file is stored on the hosts computer inside the campaign folder. Their is a 'chatlog scrubber' you can find on the forums to start this process.

    To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever posted an analysis of their actual die rolls that shows anything but an expected random distribution. BUT, I'm sure the devs would be very interested if someone did.

    Until such a mathematical analysis shows a non-random distribution, I suggest anyone who thinks the die are not random should read up on the topic 'confirmation bias'. One place to start reading about this topic is here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confir...#Biased_memory

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  6. #16
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #17
    I just run with the very easy answer if any of my players feel that the "dice are out to get them", "rigged" or otherwise "just not right", I tell them to swap to manual and feel free to use their own dice. Frankly, we all have enough other things we have to do that wasting time on relieving people's perceived dice bias' just isn't worth it. One group, they just make it a running meme that the rogue is always going to roll bad rolls. Another group, they swear that the DM's rolls are weighted against them, even after getting to see a statistical analysis of how their rolls have been and that they are just looking at the high rolls and ignoring the dozens of other low rolls because it never impacted them.

  8. #18
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SGL3386 View Post
    A Macro Recorder would question the idea of it being a physics simulator. By rolling the dice the same every time, you should get the same result IF the physics simulator is in play (haven't payed attention if the dice reset to a given number or go to previous rolled result or some random so maybe irrelevant).

    Quote Originally Posted by SGL3386 View Post
    Topic drift is occurring.

    Claim is that mouse movement is either
    1) Being used to do physics simulation (I am pressing X to doubt)
    2) Used as input to generate a random seed (maybe/more likely)

    Also suggested that the seed is determined in some unknown fashion if its not the emulated "virtual" dice.

    I have issue with option 2 as an idea if you are using the ability to roll against an opponent (click-drag an attack onto a token) given you have no input into how the dice is rolled, unless its reading where you are dragging it from and onto token?

    Point being however that apparently my theory that apparently at session creation the system creates a randomseed and runs till exhaustion isn't true based on what posters here are saying. I don't know yall so don't know if we had a dev chime in and confirm one way or another, or where the information is coming from, but given the amount of posts, ill take you at your word for the time being.
    I havent used FGU much so my comments are FGC based
    You can pick up the dice and you throw them and you can throw them fast or slow and you can throw them in different directions and from different positions.
    You can also spin the d20 and for longer or shorter.
    I dont know because I havent seen the code but it has been described by the devs as using a physics engine.
    My anecdotal experience suggests that the randomness is pretty fair.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    I havent used FGU much so my comments are FGC based
    You can pick up the dice and you throw them and you can throw them fast or slow and you can throw them in different directions and from different positions.
    You can also spin the d20 and for longer or shorter.
    I dont know because I havent seen the code but it has been described by the devs as using a physics engine.
    My anecdotal experience suggests that the randomness is pretty fair.
    In FGU the dice are thrown at max speed all the time, and are not controlled by mouse movement. This is a known bug I hope to see fixed soon. I don't normally question the randomness of the physical dice simulations, but I could envision in the current scenario, that if the dice are always being thrown at max speed and in the same direction randomness could be impaired.

    edit: For clarity, I haven't seen any evidence of non-random dice behavior myself. Just hypothesizing. I recently rolled about 600 dice and parsed the chatlog myself and didn't see any abnormal results.

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