FG Spreadshirt Swag
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  1. #11
    I use a whole separate fg account with free version fgc for my test/player instance. Have that setup on my laptop and my desktop has this account and my ultimate license . Used this method for a while now works great for testing .

  2. #12
    I have an ultimate license, and 2 computers, what I want to do is be able to switch licences on the same computer. So my wife can use her demo license on the main computer while I am on my laptop running the campaign. But then when I am designing modules I want to use my ultimate licence on the main computer without reinstalling. All of ultimate licence changes are made to a networked drive that I can access on either computer.
    Last edited by CaryScott; August 9th, 2020 at 00:25.

  3. #13
    Are the licenses stored in a per-user location? (Registry in Windows, filesystem somewhere for Mac). In which case, logging in as different users may be sufficient.

  4. #14
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    You can’t run two instances of FG with the same license at the same time on different computers. You would need to swap out the license key on whatever computer you are using in order to use it to DM with and then switch it to the other computer when you need it. When your wife is using the other one you’ll need to remove the key and update to revert it to the demo version.
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  5. #15
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    IMO it's easier to run a VM for the demo 'license' than it is to change out the license key and update each time to switch.

    License keys are stored in the registry, I don't believe they are in the user keys though so they are per computer. You could switch them out there with a script, but again the update would be annoying. Though maybe you could change the FG Data directories with the keys, since those are also stored in the registry. But, not sure. VM was easier for me when I had this with my son before he had his own computer and I worked on 2 different ones.

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  6. #16
    I would need to do some testing of this but in \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds seems to be were the License key is kept. If she logged into the PC as her user then you logged in as yours I think it would work. If you wanted to use the same user account you would need to make 2 reg files. One with no key for her to run then another with the key for you to run.

  7. #17
    I hadn't thought about switching user profiles, I'll give that a try thanks!!!

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