Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1
    damned's Avatar
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    FGDaze! January 20th!

    FGDaze is a low key one day event that runs between FG Con events.

    How do I participate?

    GMs please post your games in the Game Calendar using the below as an example and keep these points in mind:
    • All games start on Saturday (whereever you are is ok!)
    • Our primary Aim is to provide more opportunity to new players to get a game and meet other gamers
    • Advertise your Game in the FGDaze1 Games thread initially and then advertise it far and wide
    • Your Campaign name must begin with [FGDaze]
    • Post your game in the Game Calendar and set and confirm the game time - dont leave it to a vote
    • Create a thread specific to your game in the FGDaze forum and link it in your announcement in this thread. That thread will be used for discussions, Q&A etc. specific to your game.
    • In your game thread and game calendar entry indicate how long you anticipate the session will last.
    • Games will use Text Chat or Discord or the Community TeamSpeak Server
    • For those GMs comfortable with teaching new players - please encourage new players in your Calendar Post

    • Check the Game Thread often, subscribe to the thread to get regular updates.
    • Make sure your TimeZone is set in your profile
    • Sign up to a game or two
    • Invite your friends
    • Spread the word
    • Respect the GMs and your fellow players - if you cant make an event you signed up for cancel as early as possible
    • Have fun!

    FGDaze! games announcement thread.
    Saturday January 20th 2018!
    GMs please make a discussion thread specific to your game in this forum, create a game calendar entry (with the time of your event in the "Scheduled play times" section) and then announce your game(s) in this thread with links to your discussion thread and game calender entry.
    Remember to use [FGDAZE] in your Calendar Campaign name
    Please DONT reply to posts here - this is a listing of all games only.
    Other posts will be removed from this thread.

    FGDaze! is an opportunity for GMs to run a one shot of something special, something different, something fast and fun!
    Its a great opportunity for new GMs to try their hand at a short session.

    Its also a great place for new players to grab a game and get to experience some role playing fun.

    And most importantly its a great place for players and GMs, new and old, to meet some other gamers.

    GMs Your game post should include the following minimum information:

    Session Time:
    Calendar Link:
    Number of Players:
    Short Description:
    GM License/Player License:

    Other useful info includes:

    Game System:
    Newbie Friendly:
    Pre-requisites (esp for AL and PFS):
    Teamspeak or Discord:

    Create a Calendar Entry. Dont put a time up for voting - set the time and accept it so players know when the session runs. Its a great idea to make a separate thread for your game so that you and your players can discuss anything pre-game. Communicate regularly with your players so they have confidence the game is on and they know what is expected of them.

    Players you should read the GM post carefully. Get the timezone stuff right. If you sign up - turn up - dont leave everyone else hanging. Express your interest in the Forum Thread (not this one - the one for your game) and sign up on the Calendar. If you are new make sure you have set your Timezone in your Profile (hit this link and scroll down....

    To use these signatures use the following code - after removing the space after the [.

    [ img][/img]
    [ img][/img]
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  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    [FGDAZE] Dungeon World - Beginners Wanted!
    Session Time: 2100AEST
    Durantion: 4hours
    Calendar Link:
    Number of Players: 2-5
    Short Description: Dungeon World encourages you to role play and to become a part of the story. Its fast and easy to learn. No experience required.
    Text/Voice: Voice/TeamSpeak - you must use a headset and mic.
    Game System: Dungeon World (MoreCore)
    Genre: Classic Fantasy
    Newbie Friendly: 100% all comers welcome
    Pre-requisites: None. Come ready to have some fun.

  3. #3
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    [FGDaze] Undermountain - Against the Cult of Talona

    A friend of a friend has asked for your help. He is a wealthy merchant in the City and his young daughter has been kidnapped and he has no one to turn to. He dares not go to the Watch as he fears the cultists will find out and carry out their threat to kill her. He can only trust a few friends, and those that they trust. That's you.

    The Cult of Talona are a vile breed. Worshipers of the Mistress of Disease, the Mother of All Plagues, the Lady of Poison bring only pain, suffering and death. Rescue young Katania, bring proof of the cult's evil if you can, gain the favor of a wealthy benefactor.

    Play Time - 09:00 MST (-0700 GMT)
    Genre - Dungeon Delve
    Ruleset/Setting - D&D 5th Edition / Forgotten Realms
    Discussion Thread -

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    -7 UTC
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    [FGDaze] Undermountain - Through the Yawning Portal

    The word has gone out, bards have been paid to tell the stories, posters have been couriered through the Realms; brave souls are needed to once more tame the Undermountain. More than a decade ago the mad wizard Halaster died, but rather than becoming less dangerous, it seems more dangerous now than ever before.
    Stout warriors, knowledgeable arcanists, devout priests, and reliable rogues are sought to make their fortunes and purge the evil from beneath the City.

    Play Time - 15:00 MST (-0700 GMT)
    Genre - Dungeon Delve
    Ruleset/Setting - D&D 5th Edition / Forgotten Realms
    Discussion Thread -

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #5
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Where the north begins and pure water flows, eastern time zone USA
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    [FG-Daze]Savage Mojo’s Noir Knights – A Week in the Life

    Welcome to Noir Knights and the life of an SPA agent. It is deep into the Depression in the USA. Most are merely struggling to survive, but in Washington D.C there is a small, secret arm of the government whose job is to investigate reports of, “unusual activity”.

    Time: 7:00 PM EST 3-4 hours
    Genre - Horror Fantasy?
    Ruleset/Setting Savage Worlds /Savage Mojo's Noir Knights
    Discussion Thread -
    Last edited by Ellspeth; January 9th, 2018 at 20:42. Reason: time change

  6. #6
    [FG-Daze] Savage Mojo's The Dragon God - Act 1&2

    A madman has been jailed following the kidnapping of pairs of children. With him behind bars will the heroes be able to rescue the children? Pregen characters will be provided.

    Session Time: 10am PST (UTC -8)
    Calendar Link:
    Number of Players: 3-6
    Text/Voice: Fantasy Grounds Teamspeak
    GM License/Player License: Ultimate License/ Players can join with demo license or higher
    Game System: Savage Worlds (Suzerain - Relic)
    Genre: Fantasy
    Newbie Friendly: Yes
    Pre-requisites: none
    Teamspeak or Discord: Teamspeak
    Last edited by GMClydeC; January 11th, 2018 at 15:57.

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    Ahhh thanks Ahoggya, silvereagle72 and Dann#2972 for a fun story tonight.

    Kassandra, Wandean and Baltok travelled to the ruins of a long lost city and entered the subterranean great hall of the dark wizard Forktron in search of a great relic with which to commune with the gods themselves.
    Blood Oaths, Madness, Betrayal, Blood Magic, Lost Souls and more could not prevent our heroes from thwarting Hades and his dark minions and stealing 2 souls back from his dark grip!
    MoreCore and Dungeon World and some serious ad-lib action!


  8. #8
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Any idea when the next one will be? I'd like to prepare something using C&C ahead of time.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  9. #9

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