Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #71
    Potential new GM here - have been lurking on the sidelines but have yet to pull the trigger. Just so I'm crystal clear - if I were to purchase right now some PFS scenarios that are *not* currently available for purchase (for example, Mists of Mwangi, Silent Tide, The Traitor's Lodge, etc), would folks still be able to share those until such point as they become available for sale?

  2. #72
    Correct - the built out VTT can be shared if you show ownership of the material

    Quote Originally Posted by StickmanInDC View Post
    Potential new GM here - have been lurking on the sidelines but have yet to pull the trigger. Just so I'm crystal clear - if I were to purchase right now some PFS scenarios that are *not* currently available for purchase (for example, Mists of Mwangi, Silent Tide, The Traitor's Lodge, etc), would folks still be able to share those until such point as they become available for sale?

  3. #73
    Newb here, will these modules work with the current version of FG and PFRPG ruleset?

  4. #74

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Midwest, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by StickmanInDC View Post
    Potential new GM here - have been lurking on the sidelines but have yet to pull the trigger. Just so I'm crystal clear - if I were to purchase right now some PFS scenarios that are *not* currently available for purchase (for example, Mists of Mwangi, Silent Tide, The Traitor's Lodge, etc), would folks still be able to share those until such point as they become available for sale?
    If the modules currently do not exist, I can convert the modules for you into Fantasy Grounds. However there will be a nominal fee for doing this. I am currently working on converting the Hell's Vengeance Campaign into Fantasy Grounds and it is time consuming. This is the reason I would charge a fee. Plus you would have to supply me the module you want converted along with proof you purchased the module.

    Note: with the release of official Paizo material this agreement is no longer valid.
    Last edited by damned; December 8th, 2017 at 15:11.

  5. #75
    Very happy with work done by Overlordblitz. Professional, timely and fair pricing. Time-saver for me. Recommend this approach for time-crunched and/or new to FG, like me, for not-yet-for-sale Pathfinder material. Happy I can move forward with our gaming group's play plans!

    Note: with the release of official Paizo material this agreement is no longer valid.
    Last edited by damned; December 8th, 2017 at 15:11.

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