1. #1

    Adept + Damage Field (from Fantasy Companion)

    In the Fantasy Companion Adept reads as this -- Adepts are holy warriors who have trained themselves to be living weapons. Some do so to be ultimate warriors; others do it in the service of a cause or deity.
    Their unarmed attacks do Str+d4 damage, and they are always considered armed for purposes of the Unarmed Defender rule.

    Fantasy Companion Damage Field -- If character strikes someone in Unarmed Combat, the target takes the characters Strength die plus the damage field (Str + 2d6) so my players question is does he get the +d4.

    Is he considered unarmed as it only says that he's armed for the purposes of the unarmed defender rule?

  2. #2
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Surrey, UK
    I would say no as the damage from the damage field is higher but if you want an official answer post to on the official Savage Worlds Forums:


    Also note that Adepts require the Arcane background Miracles, damage field is a new spell in the fantasy companion and none of the deific templates (assuming you are using them) list damage field, therefore for an adept to use damage field a GM will have to decide to add the power to the arcane background miracles power list.
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