Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hector Trelane View Post
    This raises a follow up question: can more than one such modifier be added?
    Just double click each modifier and you will see little dots appear below the modifier "sheriff star" in the bottom left of the desktop and the running modifier will be shown in the middle of the star. If you hover over the dots you will see the modifier name and bonus above the star. Click on the dot if you need to remove a specific bonus.
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  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Just double click each modifier and you will see little dots appear below the modifier "sheriff star" in the bottom left of the desktop and the running modifier will be shown in the middle of the star. If you hover over the dots you will see the modifier name and bonus above the star. Click on the dot if you need to remove a specific bonus.
    I see that works for up to six modifiers -- thanks. Follow up questions:

    1) In the Modifier window, what's the little checkbox next to each Modifier? Doesn't seem to matter whether it's checked or unchecked.
    2) Same question for Effects -- there's a checkbox that doesn't seem to have any noticeable effect.
    3) For Effects, I can't seem to get them to result in any modifier to the die-roll at all. Should they? It seems simply to be a label of the Combat Tracker with a countdown function -- but the GM/Marshall will need to track what impact that Effect has on gameplay (because nothing is automated). Is that accurate?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. #13
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    1) checkbox is to make it public
    2) same thing
    3) for those modifiers to work the dice need rolled from the character or npc sheet or the combat tracker
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
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  4. #14
    Ikael's Avatar
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    1 & 2) They are used to define if modifier or effect is visible for player. This however is buggy in SW3, but its fixed in upcomming SW4
    3) Currently Effects are just labels with countdown feature. I have been thinking making them more powerful~ allow modifers to rolls and stats, but haven't needed that too much myself. I usually write modifier in the label, for example "Deflect -4" to note me and players what modifiers apply

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector Trelane View Post
    I see that works for up to six modifiers -- thanks. Follow up questions:

    1) In the Modifier window, what's the little checkbox next to each Modifier? Doesn't seem to matter whether it's checked or unchecked.
    2) Same question for Effects -- there's a checkbox that doesn't seem to have any noticeable effect.
    3) For Effects, I can't seem to get them to result in any modifier to the die-roll at all. Should they? It seems simply to be a label of the Combat Tracker with a countdown function -- but the GM/Marshall will need to track what impact that Effect has on gameplay (because nothing is automated). Is that accurate?

    Thanks in advance.
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  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ikael View Post
    I usually write modifier in the label, for example "Deflect -4" to note me and players what modifiers apply
    Makes sense, a simple-but-effective workaround. I suppose everything can't be automated, and perhaps it's fun to do some rolls and calculations manually -- keep some of the PnP feel to the virtual table top...

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