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  1. #21
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Some random thoughts that may or may not work :
    * Have effects only expire at beginning or end of round/segment combo.
    * If expiration linked to character, track round, segment and speed of combatant applying effect in the effect details.

    My current plan is something like your first suggestion (I think... assuming I can get it to work right) I'm updating nDuration at the start of each Segment but if the Effect is due to expire on that Segment, I'm actually expiring the Effect just before the appropriate DEX. There are some issues I can see that I still need to work out... but I'm trying to get them sorted.. this bit has got my head spinning a bit.
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  2. #22
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    I got the Effects Counters working properly, although some further testing to try and 'break it' wouldn't be a bad thing.
    Timers for 'Odd' numbered Phase effect durations are going to be a problem but segment, even phase, and minute effects are working properly.
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  3. #23
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    UPDATE February 2, 2014
    Combat Tracker:
    • Report new Segment to the Chat Window.
    • Effect counters are now tracking properly.

    Damage Properties:
    • Added 'STUN ONLY' Property.
    • Added 'AP'/'Armor Piercing' Property.
    • Added 'NND'/'No Normal Defense' Property.

    TO DO:
    • Damage dragged from the Chat Window does not deliver BODY Damage.
    • Modifiers 'Add' to Attack Rolls instead of the Target Number - Solution (REMOVE MODIFIERS BOX)
    • Add KILLING Damage.
    • Add more effects to handle specific Powers, Limitations, Advantages, and Disadvantages.
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  4. #24
    How are you handling changes to the combat order when a characters speed is changed during a turn? So, lets say someone gets speed drained, are you resorting the combat tracker?

  5. #25
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    Speed and Dexterity changes happen immediately.. if you want them to. 'phase' and 'dex' are adjustable by the GM to allow for delayed and out of sequence actions. If I remember right.. there are specifics in the rules for when these changes actually take effect... but the sorting is done all the time so that whenever a new value for dex or phase is entered... it immediately resorts.
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  6. #26
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    I should add that it recalculates 'next phase' after the next action using current speed (including effects).. so at that point it will treat the character as though their speed were the new value.

    The specific rules look like this:
    a character can change his SPD in any of his Phases. Changing SPD is a Zero Phase Action. After he has changed his SPD, a character cannot act (though he may Abort; see below) until the next Segment that’s a Phase for both of the SPDs. Once he has taken an Action at the new SPD, he is at that SPD for the rest of the Turn.
    So technically, the GM should switch the character's 'phase' value to the next segment where both SPDs act.. usually on segment 12. The rules here are a bit screwy... I would probably allow for 'delays' to match up speeds here.
    Last edited by Blackfoot; February 3rd, 2014 at 05:20.
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  7. #27
    I will be very interested in seeing what happens with this. I used to play a great deal of Hero and am still active on their forum.

    Is there a way I can keep posted on the status of projects like this?
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Hopcroft View Post
    Is there a way I can keep posted on the status of projects like this?
    You did it, posting here subscribes you to this thread where I am posting all my update information.
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  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackfoot View Post
    You did it, posting here subscribes you to this thread where I am posting all my update information.
    As long as the email notification is working. It can be sporadic....

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by wbcreighton View Post
    As long as the email notification is working. It can be sporadic....
    It isn't actually sporadic, it only sends messages if there are new posts since you last looked at the thread... and only the first new post... so if you look at the forum on Tuesday and 12 posts before you log in again on Thursday... you only get 1 email... and if you never look at the thread again.. you won't get any more messages after the first.
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