5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    I understand how that could be a bit awkward with people you don’t know. I was more thinking about friends that I played with in college and giving them a chance to once again here the voices of my crazy NPCs!

  2. #12

    Voice Chat - try Skype

    I agree that voice chat might be a little strange with people you don't know... but for scattered groups it could really help.

    My friends and I have been using Skype with our Battlefield Vietnam games and it has been working great! The website is www.skype.com.


  3. #13

    Re: Have people played? How about incorporating voice chat?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xaltar
    I noticed that people were planning on getting a one-shot started. Has that happened? If so, how did it work out?
    So, has it happened? How was it?

  4. #14
    I already run a TeamSpeak server for my friends for the assorted MMOs we play.

    We tested the demo with TeamSpeak last night. . . and I'm not sure I like the inclusion of voice chat. It tends to disrupt the flow that the chat window lets you handle so easily.

    Then again - by far and large my friends and I were goofing around with the system last night more than anything else, so that might have something to do with it.

    We're hoping to start a (closed - for now) campaign together in the New Year - I'll post my thoughts on the topic then.

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