1. #1

    Labels (Effects & Modifiers)

    Hello, people!

    Is there a list of labels (effects and modifiers) for M&M? It'd be so much easier to check it out instead of getting trying all the ones available in other (e.g., 4E/3.5E) rulesets!

    Suppose I want to apply an effect that reduces a trait (say, Dodge or Awareness) in 5 points during 1 minute (and then expires): how do I do that?

    Here follows what I saw it working (and in red what works wrong according to the book):
    • COVER (+5 to Parry and Dodge)
    • CONC (+5 to Parry and Dodge)
    • DEFENSELESS (as the book)
    • IMPAIRED (as the book)
    • DISABLED (as the book)
    • VULNERABLE (as the book)
    • Prone (-4 to attack)
    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Well, you can make your own conditions and modifiers. They allow you to set a duration and the time interval for it (rounds, minutes, ect...). Then you just drag and drop it on the character in the tracker. The one missing is 'presists until save' which would be really nice to have.

  3. #3

    Is it so?

    Quote Originally Posted by DrakosDJ
    Well, you can make your own conditions and modifiers.
    Hum. Thank you for the reply! I see it could be done that way, but unless I missed something (and this may be true, for I am still getting used to FG!), it would not be automatic.

    If you put in there "AWE: 2" or "AWARENESS: 2", the ruleset simply does not recognize it and the affected character is kept with the same modifiers it had before the condition.

    I say that because of bookkeeping errors and extra handling. Imagine you have to lower manually all Defenses in -2. Then the time set expires and you, distracted, let it go. It can become a mess (mainly with powers like Variable and Weaken)!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Werethunder
    Hum. Thank you for the reply! I see it could be done that way, but unless I missed something (and this may be true, for I am still getting used to FG!), it would not be automatic.

    If you put in there "AWE: 2" or "AWARENESS: 2", the ruleset simply does not recognize it and the affected character is kept with the same modifiers it had before the condition.

    I say that because of bookkeeping errors and extra handling. Imagine you have to lower manually all Defenses in -2. Then the time set expires and you, distracted, let it go. It can become a mess (mainly with powers like Variable and Weaken)!
    No, you didn't miss anything; you interprite it correctly. The system does handle some automatic conditions (mainly those from a damage power failed toughness save). This is one of the weekness's of the ruleset. It really only recognizes power effects based on the Damage effect, weaken and such, as you mention, are not dealt with quite right. Adjustment type powers (weaken transfer nullify) are not managed automatically so you need to manually adjust characters numbers, and then manually remove the adjustments; dooable but a real pain. The other option is to just remember to apply flat modifiers when and affected ability is used. For example say a brick with a strength of +10 is drained to a +7 instead, you can apply a -3 flat modifier to rolles involving strength. Not the best solution but it is an option.

    I would love to see some attention paid to the M&M set but I believe the original creator is not supporting it. If I knew LUA better I would attempt to fix some of these issues. I am a professional programmer, but really don't have the time to delve into LUA. It appears to have a lot in common with C but there are some major differences.

  5. #5

    Let's make it manual, then!

    I see, Drakos... Well, let it be this way, then!
    Thank you!

  6. #6
    One option is the use the macro bar. In other words, when you apply a condition that reduces an attribute (Str, Sta, etc) or a resistance, have the player drag the adjusted roll into a macro button at the bottom of the screen. I guarantee the player will keep trackmof hen it ought to be removed.

  7. #7
    Yes, that is a good option, Kairos. Thank you! However, it still wouldn't be automated (the package does not seem to recognize things like DEF, AWE etc.)...

  8. #8
    I think that given what I perceive to be a lackluster reaponse to the ruleset in terms of sales, we're unlikely to see further enhancements. From what I can tell, the initial scope of the project stopped short of modifications to the underlying foundation ruleset (hence no durations until resisted and no changes to combat tracker behavior for aoes).

    That being said, it's still a quite solid ruleset considering how just about everything in MM3E has some sort of dial attached to it.

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